Concept design image of the Mareeba East Park Playground
At the Ordinary Council meeting on Wednesday, 17 August 2022, Mareeba Shire Council awarded the contract for the design and construct of the Mareeba East Park Playground and associated works to Moduplay Pty Ltd for the fixed price amount of $270,000.00 (excl. GST).
The park will be located on the corner of Karobean Drive and Hastie Road, Mareeba and is designed for young families and teenagers to enjoy.
Mareeba Shire Council Mayor, Angela Toppin, is delighted to progress this project.
“The ‘continuous themed’ play area will incorporate interactive play equipment to tie into the central play feature which is expected to be a domed climbing frame,” Mayor Angela Toppin explained.
“What is more, the park will be shaded and include rubberised soft-fall, as well as seating, tables, a picnic shelter and lighting.”
“Council received six tenders for consideration, and I would like to congratulate Moduplay Pty Ltd for being awarded the contract. Their design had special charm due to layout, presentation and the potential to appeal to a broader cross-section of children, across a wider age range.”
“The playground will be constructed on an underdeveloped greenfield site, and is the first step in a redesign of the entire location. The park will be further developed in the future when funds become available.”
“I know the play equipment will be well received by our growing community and I look forward to the creation of an overall Master Plan for the park in the long-term,” Mayor Angela Toppin concluded.