2024 - 2025 Budget

Mareeba Shire Council’s 2024/25 Annual Budget was handed down at a Special Council Meeting on 17 July 2024.

Mareeba Shire Council Mayor Angela Toppin is optimistic about the projects and community support Council will be delivering, noting that the budget is conservative, reflecting the current economic conditions we are all faced with.

Mayor Toppin said, “I am proud to present a balanced budget for 2024/25 that delivers on each of our Corporate Plan strategic priorities – Financial Sustainability; Community; Transport and Council Infrastructure; Economy and Environment; and Governance.”

“Council is not immune to cost increases and we have made the difficult decision to raise the average residential general rates by $104 a year, which is $2 per week. This increase is to ensure that services are maintained, and community assets are kept to an acceptable standard. We will continue to do what we can to minimise the financial pressures that are impacting our community.”


“Council will spend $24.6m on capital works in 2024/25, with Transport Infrastructure, including road and bridge works, remaining our biggest expenditure area at $8.5m.”

“This spend does not include the large amount that will be required to repair the significant damage caused by Tropical Cyclone Jasper and the rain event that followed, as a large portion of these costs are borne by the State and Federal Governments through Disaster Funding Arrangements.”

“We are committed to Water and Wastewater capital renewals and upgrades and this year more than $12m has been committed to water and wastewater. Additionally, our parks and open spaces will see $531k spent on projects this financial year.”


“Council is proud to provide more than $2.84m in community support including:

  • $400k pensioner concessions
  • $445k community partnership program to support non-for-profit community organisations and events, and
  • $2m prompt payment discounts”.


“I am excited about the launch of a new payment portal to assist ratepayers with the managing of their six-monthly rates bill,” Mayor Toppin continued.

“Council strongly encourages ratepayers to use the new Flexipay option which will allow ratepayers to set up a direct debit payment arrangement at intervals of either weekly, fortnightly or monthly.”

“Council will not be charging interest on these approved arrangements for current outstanding rates and charges. For those ratepayers that pay their rates by the due date, the 10% prompt payment discount for general rates will be applied.”


“With a relatively low ratepayer base, Mareeba Shire relies on the State and Federal governments for grant funding, and I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the funding that has been received in recent years.”

“In particular, the State Government’s Works for Queensland grant, the Federal Local Roads and Community Infrastructure grant and jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, which have allowed us to deliver a range of projects and repairs.”


“To conclude, I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to my fellow Councillors, the CEO and Council officers for working together to manage costs and implement efficiencies.”

“The Councillors and I know that the decisions we made today has a direct impact on the sustainability of the Shire in the future. Together, we have developed a responsible and sustainable budget which contributes to our Council vision – ‘A growing, confident and sustainable Shire’,” Mayor Toppin concluded.