Rates Payment Options

What happens if I can’t pay by the due date?

If you are experiencing difficulties in paying your Rates, you may be eligible to enter into an Arrangement to Pay with Council.  Recurring payments can be made on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

Acceptance of this Arrangement to Pay is subject to the following conditions:

  • That the debt will be paid in full by either 30 June or 31 December, and
  • That the debt is not currently being managed by Council’s debt collection agency.

All approved arrangements will be confirmed in writing.

No discount will be allowed on arrangements to pay, and interest does not apply to properties with an approved arrangement to pay current outstanding rates and charges. However, for properties with an approved arrangement to pay outstanding rates and charges that include arrears, interest charges will apply.

To make a direct debit payment arrangement, apply through FlexiPay.  Alternatively, please complete the online form or download a copy of the “Arrangement to Pay Rates” form.

Debt Recovery

Collection House are a recovery agent who acts on Council’s behalf in assisting with collection of outstanding rates and charges.

Should you fail to comply with an approved arrangement to pay with Council, your arrangement will be cancelled and forwarded to Council’s Debt Recovery Agent without further notice to you.  Under legislation all legal costs are recoverable from you.

If you have been contacted by Collection House, please coordinate your recovery directly with them by calling 1300 314 443.

Can I make advance payments?

You don’t need to wait for your rate notice to start making payments.  Advance payments can be made at any time using any of the payment methods listed below or on the back of your rate notice.  Divide your yearly amount into smaller, more manageable amounts to make payment easier.

All advance payments will show as a credit balance brought forward (shown with a minus sign) on your notice.

Payment Options


Scan the QR code on your rates notice or pay at Mareeba FlexiPay eNotices.  You will require the eNotices reference number from your most recent rates notice to process the payment.


Use the Biller Code (228171) and your BPay Reference Number (found on your most current Rates Notice). Do not use the same reference number when paying for multiple properties as each property has its own unique reference number.

BPay View

Council is now a Bill Service Provider for BPay View.  BPay View sends your bills and statements straight to the same online bank you use to pay them.  With convenient email, SMS or bank message reminders and secure online or mobile access, BPay View makes it easy to pay on time, every time. For more information, visit www.bpay.com.au/bpayview

Australia Post

  • In Person – Visit any branch/agency of Australia Post. Present your most current Rates Notice. Pay by cash, cheque or credit card (Credit cards accepted: Visa and MasterCard ONLY).
  • By Phone – Call 13 18 16. Use the BillPay Code (4068)and your BillPay Reference Number (found on your most current Rates Notice). Do not use the same reference number when paying for multiple properties as each property has its own unique Reference Number. (Credit cards accepted: Visa and MasterCard ONLY).
  • Online – Visit postbillpay.com.au. Use the BillPay Code (4068)and your BillPay Reference Number (found on your most current Rates Notice). Do not use the same reference number when paying for multiple properties as each property has its own unique Reference Number. (Credit cards accepted: Visa and MasterCard ONLY).
  • App – Scan the barcode on the front of the rate notice and pay will Australia Post’s mobile app. Download on the App Store or get it on Google Play.

Council Office

  • In Person – Visit your nearest Service Centre (see below). Present your most current Rates Notice. Pay by cash, cheque or credit card (Credit cards accepted: Visa and MasterCard ONLY). Change cannot be given on cheques or with credit cards.
    • Mareeba – 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba
    • Kuranda – 18 – 22 Arara Street, Kuranda
  • By Post – Detach Payment Details slip from your most current Rates Notice and mail with payment to PO Box 154, MAREEBA QLD 4880. Make cheques and money orders payable to Mareeba Shire Council and cross ‘Not Negotiable”. Change cannot be given on cheques.