Many people enjoy the benefits of being able to produce their own fresh eggs. As with other pets, you have a right to own and keep poultry such as chickens and ducks, providing you take responsibility to ensure they are cared for appropriately and do not cause a nuisance to other residents in the area.
You may keep poultry in urban and rural residential areas under the following conditions:
- They shall not be a nuisance (eg. by crowing, causing a noise nuisance or roaming onto neighbouring land), injurious or prejudicial to health
- The number of poultry does not exceed the maximum limit outlined in the local laws applicable to keeping animals in your area
- Fowl houses, pens and runs shall not be situated within 2 metres from a dwelling or a place where food is kept or a property boundary and constructed to the satisfaction of an authorised Officer
- Places where poultry are kept shall be thoroughly cleaned at least weekly and effectively treated with an insecticide at least twice yearly or when required by an authorised Officer
- Stored poultry food is to be kept in a rodent proof receptacle.