Development within our region follows a planning process set by the Queensland Government. Our planning officers have an important role in this process by assessing and deciding development applications. Development applications can be proposals to:

  • subdivide land (reconfiguring of a lot)
  • commence, change or intensify a use (material change of use)
  • conduct building work within an area with certain restrictions, such as in an identified flood zone (building work assessable against the planning scheme).

Development applications are assessed against the Mareeba Shire Council Planning Scheme 2016. The Planning Scheme incorporates local, regional and state planning policy and aims to balance the social, economic and environmental needs of the community. The scheme identifies different zones, which have different types of activities and uses that can be conducted within them.

Some development applications may include a period of public notification where the community is invited to make submissions in support of or opposing a development. Some development applications require assessment by the Queensland Government and our planning officers. These applications are referred to the State Assessment and Referral Agency as part of the assessment process.

Our planning officers also conduct strategic planning for the region, write and review the planning scheme, and act as a referral agency for building work.

Lodging a Planning Application

To lodge a properly made reconfiguring of a lot application you will need:

  • a completed DA form 1
  • a planning report responding to the relevant planning scheme codes
  • a proposed lot layout (usually prepared by a surveyor)
  • proof of lot ownership (or owner’s consent)
  • to pay the application fee.


Infrastructure Charges

Trunk infrastructure is significant or higher order infrastructure that supports large areas or catchments, such as water supply, parks and road networks for an entire neighbourhood.

We levy infrastructure charges as part of the development assessment process to help pay the cost of providing additional trunk infrastructure because of increased demand. These charges apply when a subdivision (reconfiguring a lot) or material change of use generates additional demand on trunk infrastructure networks.

Check the requirements before undertaking any work.

Superseded Mareeba Shire Council Planning Scheme 2004

The Superseded Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004 can be viewed by clicking here.

Planning and Development Pre-Lodgement

A pre-lodgement initiative has been added to our existing development enquiry services. Under this fee-based process, potential applicants can now formally meet with the relevant council officers to discuss their development prior to lodging a development application.

While the pre-lodgement service does not guarantee approval of any subsequent application, it can save time and money. It will also highlight any issues that may need to be addressed prior to lodging an application, as well as the requirements for a well-made application.

The service can be used for any type of development requiring a town planning approval. And applicants for medium and major developments are encouraged to use the service. Use of the pre-lodgement service is voluntary, and it is not intended to replace the existing, informal advice mechanisms.

Download Application

Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)

Sustainable Planning Act 2009

Notice is given under the (repealed) Sustainable Planning Act 2009 and the Statutory Guideline 01/16 Making and amending local planning instruments that on 5 November 2018 Mareeba Shire Council adopted an amendment to the Mareeba Shire Council Planning Scheme 2016 to include the Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP).

The amendment of the Mareeba Shire Council Planning Scheme 2016 will commence on 9 November 2018.

The purpose and general effect of the LGIP is to:

  • Integrate infrastructure planning with land use planning identified in the planning scheme;
  • Provide transparency regarding Council’s intentions for the provision of trunk infrastructure;
  • Enable Council to estimate the cost of infrastructure provision to assist its long term financial planning;
  • Ensure that trunk infrastructure is planned and provided in an efficient and orderly manner; and
  • Provide a basis for the imposition of conditions about infrastructure on development approvals.

A copy of the amended Mareeba Shire Council Planning Scheme 2016 is available on Council’s website or for inspection or purchase at Mareeba Shire Council Chambers, located at 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba.

If you have any enquiries about the LGIP, please contact Council’s Planning and Development Department on 1300 308 461.


Supporting Documentation

Mareeba Shire Council Infrastructure Charges Register

The Mareeba Shire Infrastructure Charges Register can be viewed by clicking here.

Infrastructure Planning

Planning Act 2016



Notice is hereby given that under section 113 of the Planning Act 2016, Mareeba Shire Council on 19 June 2024, passed Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2024 affecting infrastructure charges levied in the Mareeba Shire Council local government area.

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2024 replaces Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2023 and has effect on and from 1 July 2024.

A copy of the Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2024 is available for inspection at Mareeba Shire Council, 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba or may be downloaded by clicking below:

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2024

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2024 (Attachment)

Planning Act 2016



Notice is hereby given that under section 113 of the Planning Act 2016, Mareeba Shire Council on 21 June 2023, passed Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2023 affecting infrastructure charges levied in the Mareeba Shire Council local government area.

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2023 replaces Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2022 and has effect on and from 1 July 2023.

A copy of the Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2023 is available for inspection at Mareeba Shire Council, 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba or may be downloaded by clicking below:

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2023

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2023 (Attachment)


Planning Act 2016

Notice is hereby given that under section 113 of the Planning Act 2016, Mareeba Shire Council on 18 May 2022, passed Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2022 affecting infrastructure charges levied in the Mareeba Shire Council local government area.

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2022 replaces Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021 and has effect on and from 1 July 2022.

A copy of the Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2022 is available for inspection at Mareeba Shire Council, 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba or may be downloaded by clicking below:

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2022

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2022 (Attachment)


Planning Act 2016

Notice is hereby given that under section 113 of the Planning Act 2016, Mareeba Shire Council on 19 May 2021, passed Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021 affecting infrastructure charges levied in the Mareeba Shire Council local government area.

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021 replaces Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2020 and has effect on and from 1 July 2021.

A copy of the Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021 is available for inspection at Mareeba Shire Council, 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba or may be downloaded by clicking below:

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021 (Attachment)



Planning Act 2016

Notice is hereby given that under section 113 of the Planning Act 2016, Mareeba Shire Council on 17 June 2020, passed Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2020 affecting infrastructure charges levied in the Mareeba Shire Council local government area.

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2020 replaces Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.2) 2019 and has effect on and from 1 July 2020.

A copy of the Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2020 is available for inspection at Mareeba Shire Council, 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba or may be downloaded by clicking below:

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2020

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2020 (Attachment)


Planning Act 2016

Notice is hereby given that under section 113 of the Planning Act 2016, Mareeba Shire Council on 19 June 2019, passed Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.2) 2019 affecting infrastructure charges levied in the Mareeba Shire Council local government area.

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.2) 2019 replaces Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2019 and has effect on and from 1 July 2019.

A copy of the Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.2) 2019 is available for inspection at Mareeba Shire Council, 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba or may be downloaded by clicking below:

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.2) 2019
Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.2) 2019 (Attachment)



Notice is hereby given that under section 113 of the Planning Act 2016, Mareeba Shire Council on 19 March 2019, passed Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2019 affecting infrastructure charges levied in the Mareeba Shire Council local government area.

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2019 replaces Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2017 and has effect on and from 19 March 2019.

A copy of the Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2019 is available for inspection at Mareeba Shire Council, 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba or may be downloaded by clicking below:

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2019

Planning Act 2016



Notice is hereby given that under section 113 of the Planning Act 2016, Mareeba Shire Council on 21 June 2023, passed Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2023 affecting infrastructure charges levied in the Mareeba Shire Council local government area.

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2023 replaces Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2022 and has effect on and from 1 July 2023.

A copy of the Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2023 is available for inspection at Mareeba Shire Council, 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba or may be downloaded by clicking below:

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2023

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2023 (Attachment)


Planning Act 2016

Notice is hereby given that under section 113 of the Planning Act 2016, Mareeba Shire Council on 18 May 2022, passed Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2022 affecting infrastructure charges levied in the Mareeba Shire Council local government area.

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2022 replaces Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021 and has effect on and from 1 July 2022.

A copy of the Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2022 is available for inspection at Mareeba Shire Council, 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba or may be downloaded by clicking below:

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2022

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2022 (Attachment)


Planning Act 2016

Notice is hereby given that under section 113 of the Planning Act 2016, Mareeba Shire Council on 19 May 2021, passed Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021 affecting infrastructure charges levied in the Mareeba Shire Council local government area.

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021 replaces Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2020 and has effect on and from 1 July 2021.

A copy of the Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021 is available for inspection at Mareeba Shire Council, 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba or may be downloaded by clicking below:

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021 (Attachment)



Planning Act 2016

Notice is hereby given that under section 113 of the Planning Act 2016, Mareeba Shire Council on 17 June 2020, passed Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2020 affecting infrastructure charges levied in the Mareeba Shire Council local government area.

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2020 replaces Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.2) 2019 and has effect on and from 1 July 2020.

A copy of the Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2020 is available for inspection at Mareeba Shire Council, 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba or may be downloaded by clicking below:

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2020

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2020 (Attachment)


Planning Act 2016

Notice is hereby given that under section 113 of the Planning Act 2016, Mareeba Shire Council on 19 June 2019, passed Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.2) 2019 affecting infrastructure charges levied in the Mareeba Shire Council local government area.

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.2) 2019 replaces Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2019 and has effect on and from 1 July 2019.

A copy of the Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.2) 2019 is available for inspection at Mareeba Shire Council, 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba or may be downloaded by clicking below:

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.2) 2019
Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.2) 2019 (Attachment)



Notice is hereby given that under section 113 of the Planning Act 2016, Mareeba Shire Council on 19 March 2019, passed Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2019 affecting infrastructure charges levied in the Mareeba Shire Council local government area.

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2019 replaces Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2017 and has effect on and from 19 March 2019.

A copy of the Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2019 is available for inspection at Mareeba Shire Council, 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba or may be downloaded by clicking below:

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2019