Mareeba Shire Council has launched a campaign to crack down on illegal rubbish dumping across the Shire.
Over the next several weeks, Council will target known illegal dumping hotspots and drive a community awareness campaign in a bid to keep our Shire clean.
As part of the campaign, signage will be installed at key locations across the Shire to promote doing the right thing with rubbish. Animals endemic to our Shire will be displayed with messages thanking people for keeping their homes clean. Other signage will be installed at known illegal dumping hotspots to discourage bad behaviour and to prompt our community to keep an eye out and report illegally dumping.
Mayor Toppin said it is important to report any acts of illegal dumping to authorities. “We are very proud of our communities and we want to look after our natural assets and wildlife,” Cr Toppin said.
“Dumping waste in the environment, rather than disposing of it in the correct way is illegal and unsightly and also can be harmful to our environment.”
Mayor Toppin said those caught doing the wrong thing can be faced with hefty fines.
“Illegal dumping is against the law and there are penalties in place for those found to be doing the wrong thing,” Cr Toppin said.
“If we don’t know when and where it’s happening, we cannot act on it, so please report it.”
You can help to keep our Shire clean by reporting illegal dumping to Council on 1300 308 461 or call 13 QGOV (13 74 68). Reports can also be lodged online at the Department’s website or sent to
This project is proudly supported by the Queensland Government.