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Project Continuing – Road Safety Improvement Constance St and Herberton St Intersection

By September 13, 2024November 6th, 2024No Comments
Update: 5 November 2024
Mareeba Shire Council wishes to advise that the construction of the roundabout at the intersection of Herberton Street and Constance Street, Mareeba, will be put on hold until early 2025.
“The sewer main and water main upgrades and the storm water drainage works have been completed; however, the project is awaiting the final approval from Ergon regarding the lighting upgrades which unfortunately cannot be completed until early in the new year,” said Mayor Angela Toppin.
“The upgrade to the intersection will improve the safety of all road users and will address issues related to congestion, speed and visibility,” said Mayor Toppin.
Thank you to the community for their patience as we work towards making our roads safer.
Update: 9 October 2024
The project to construct a new roundabout at the Constance Street and Herberton Street intersection will commence Tuesday, 8 October 2024 until early 2025 as the sewer main works are now complete.
Traffic control will be in place during these works, please plan for possible delays.
The upgrade to the intersection will improve the safety for road users and will address congestion, speed and visibility issues.
Thank you for your patience.
Please note, the plan has been updated to reflect that the pedestrian crossing will be removed.

13 September 2024

The project to install a new roundabout at the intersection of Constance Street and Herberton Street, Mareeba is continuing Monday, 16 September 2024.

Works to upgrade the sewer main infrastructure and the roundabout at the intersection will commence on Monday, 16 September until December 2024.

A detour will be in place during these works, and we thank residents for their patience.

Reason for the roundabout:

“With the expanding residential development in the east of Mareeba and the increased load limit for John Doyle bridge crossing the Barron River, the concentration of traffic at this intersection has significantly increased in recent years,” explained Mareeba Shire Mayor Angela Toppin.

“The upgrade to the intersection will improve the safety of all road users and will address congestion, speed and visibility issues,” said Mayor Toppin.

Improvements for road users:

  • Heavy vehicles: Improved safety when turning at this intersection.
  • Cars and motorcyclists: Reduced likelihood of head on collisions due to vehicles sweeping when turning right from Herberton Street to Constance Street.
  • Cyclists: Cycle lanes provided on all approaches.
  • Pedestrians: Median storage areas provided to allow pedestrians to cross one lane at a time. The zebra crossing will remain on Herberton St.

The same number of parking bays will be retained, with three angled parking bays being changed to parallel bays.

This project is proudly funded by the Queensland Government through the Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme and Mareeba Shire Council.

