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Pool Filters Upgrade Complete

By November 8, 2019February 18th, 2020No Comments

Maintenance of the Mareeba and Dimbulah swimming pools has been made easier and more efficient after new filtration systems were installed at both facilities.

Council received funding from the Queensland Government to upgrade the water treatment infrastructure which is critical to the daily operation of the pools.

Mayor Tom Gilmore said the filters at both facilities were aging and needed to be replaced.

“The new state of the art filtration systems have made a tremendous difference to the daily operation of the pools,” Cr Gilmore said.

“Swimming pools carry a high operating cost and without the support of the Queensland Government, Council would not have been able to replace the critical infrastructure and continue providing the service to the community.”

The Dimbulah swimming pool filtration system upgrade was jointly funded by the Queensland Government’s Get Playing Places and Spaces program and Mareeba Shire Council while the Mareeba swimming pool filtration system upgrade was funded by the Queensland Government’s Works for Queensland Program.