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New Site for Kuranda Cemetery

By November 18, 2020December 1st, 2020No Comments

Mareeba Shire Council has acquired a parcel of land located adjacent to the existing Kuranda Cemetery, suitable to expand the current cemetery.

Mayor Angela Toppin said it was fortuitous the land became available for purchase while Council was considering community feedback regarding the future of the Kuranda Cemetery.

“Council was seeking feedback from the community regarding possible options for a new Kuranda Cemetery when this site became available,” Cr Toppin said.

“We are very fortunate that this opportunity became available in very close proximity to the current site.”

“It is a wonderful outcome for the residents in Kuranda and surrounding areas,” Cr Toppin said.

Due to the size of the property, options exist to subdivide out sections of the property not required for cemetery purposes and make available for sale to the public.

Council will now submit a development application for the material change of use and reconfiguration of the property.