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NDRRA Funding Helps Region

By November 16, 2018November 20th, 2018No Comments

Mareeba Shire ratepayers will not have to pick up the bill for damage caused by flood waters earlier this year.

Council held a special meeting earlier this month to award three contracts for eligible essential public asset restoration works under the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements.

Council awarded contracts for the Dimbulah roads package, mid-western roads package and the western roads package after calling for tenders of suitably qualified companies to repair the damage caused in these areas.

Last month, Council awarded the contracts to repair the James Creek Crossing at Dimbulah and the eastern roads package, bringing the total of awarded works to almost $6 million.

Mayor Tom Gilmore said Council is working with the QRA and contractors to advance the works. “We understand residents’ frustration and thank the community for their patience while this lengthy process is carried out,” Cr Gilmore said.

“As a small regional Council, we could not afford to repair the damage – we simply don’t have the finances available.

“We are very mindful that the events that occurred early this year were widespread and have to be assessed on a priority basis and we thank the Commonwealth and State governments for their ongoing assistance,” Cr Gilmore concluded.