Project Complete
Tuesday 10 July 2018
A major infrastructure project which will enable future development in Mareeba is now complete.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said the upgrade of the town’s wastewater reticulation network at Kenneally Road was critical for future growth and development. “Faster than expected population growth means sewerage systems in Mareeba have reached capacity in certain areas and Council is investing in major infrastructure to accommodate future growth,” Cr Gilmore said.
The project was jointly funded by the Queensland Government’s Building our Regions program and Mareeba Shire Council, and included the installation of a new 300mm sewer rising main along Kenneally Road and upgrading the existing pump station.
Councillor Gilmore said the upgrade will prevent system failures which can have immediate effects on public health, water quality, commercial farming and Council’s legal obligations.
“The upgrade mitigates long terms risks to community wellbeing, the business reputation of the horticulture and other industries, and of course, will ensure Council is meeting its environmental responsibilities,” he said.
Member for Cook, Cynthia Lui said the Building our Regions program has generated hundreds of construction jobs and other benefits throughout regional Queensland.
“This wastewater reticulation upgrade is so important for Mareeba in terms of planning for future population growth,” Ms Lui said.
Councillor Gilmore said as a small regional Council, Mareeba Shire relies heavily on government funding to carry out major projects such as this.
“Without the assistance of the Queensland Government, we would not be able to upgrade and maintain our ageing infrastructure. We are so very appreciative of their contribution through the Building our Regions program,” Cr Gilmore said.
Project Supports Future Growth
Tuesday 10 July 2018
Works have commenced on the upgrade of Mareeba’s wastewater reticulation network at Kenneally Road.
Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Cameron Dick said the project which is funded by the Queensland Government and Mareeba Shire Council will see the installation of a new 300mm sewer rising main and upgrade to the existing pump station on Kenneally Road. “The Palaszczuk Government continues to deliver infrastructure and jobs in regional Queensland through the Building our Regions program – a $375 million targeted regional infrastructure program for local government projects,” Mr Dick said.
“These are projects that deliver real benefits to local communities in terms of vital infrastructure that supports their longer-term growth.”
Mayor Tom Gilmore said the critical project would provide much-needed infrastructure to secure existing sewer capacity and enable new connections for future residential development. “Faster than expected population growth means sewerage systems in Mareeba have reached capacity and Council is investing in major infrastructure to accommodate future growth,” Cr Gilmore said.
“Without the assistance of the Queensland Government, we would not be able to upgrade and maintain our ageing infrastructure. We are so very appreciative of their contribution through the Building our Regions program.
“Councillor Gilmore said the upgrade is also required to prevent system failures which have immediate effects on public health, water quality, commercial farming and Council’s legal obligations.
“The upgrade will mitigate long terms risks to community wellbeing, the business reputation of the horticulture and other industries, and of course, will ensure Council is meeting its environmental responsibilities,” he said.
Works are expected to be completed by June 2018.