Construction of the new James Creek Crossing on Wolfram Road Dimbulah is now complete.
The crossing suffered significant damage from flooding in March 2018 and as a result Council applied for disaster assistance to replace the infrastructure.
Eligible works on James Creek Crossing are jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA).
Mayor Tom Gilmore said while a dozen residents were temporarily cut off, Council maintained access while the necessary approvals needed to replace the crossing were obtained. “Council worked around the clock, particularly when the crossing was first washed away to ensure residents were not left standard by constructing a temporary crossing,” Cr Gilmore said.
“Without the assistance from the Commonwealth and the Queensland Government, Council would simply have not been able to replace the crossing.
“This has demonstrated how all three levels of Government can effectively work together and I thank the Commonwealth and the Queensland Governments, contractors and staff for a successful outcome.”