Former Mareeba resident Laurence Tracona, who sadly passed away earlier this year continues to give back to the community he gave so much to.
Mr Tracona made a bequest to Mareeba Shire Council of $55,000 to revitalise and enhance Byrnes St, Mareeba and the Mareeba CBD generally.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said Council gratefully accepted the bequest and will identify an appropriate project to utilise the funds on.
“Laurie was a great man who influenced the lives of many people over generations through his teaching and theatre,” Cr Gilmore said.
“Laurie will always be remembered for his dedication, generosity and service to the community.
“He was a talented actor, director, teacher and a wonderful friend to many.”
The funds will be placed into reserves until such time that Council identifies a suitable project that is in line with the purpose of the bequest.
The Mareeba Gymnastics Hall will be officially named in honour of founding member, Mr Arthur Randolph Lane.
Council voted today in favour to name the Mareeba Gymnastics facility on Abbott Street after Mr Lane, who taught hundreds of children and adults in the sport of gymnastics for nearly four decades.
Mr Lane was heavily involved in both the Gymnasium and Rifle Club in Chillagoe before moving to Mareeba between 1913 and 1918.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said the sport of gymnastics today is one of the largest sporting codes within the Shire and its prominence is evidenced by the success and strong following under the Mareeba Gymnastics Club, for which family members of Lane have been a part of more recently for ten plus years.
“Mr Lane should be recognised indeed for his outstanding contribution to the community spanning almost four decades,” Cr Gilmore said
“His predominant passion was in the sport of gymnastics and for this reason, it is that both Council and the Mareeba Gymnastics Club feel that it is fitting that the Gymnastics Facility is named in his honour.”
Tourism Kuranda has developed a five-year marketing plan, aimed at re-inventing Kuranda as a global tourism destination.
Chair of the Tourism Kuranda Advisory Committee Councillor Lenore Wyatt said the new plan gives a clear strategic road map to work too and with. “The committee listened to the feedback from visitors, tour operators and locals and have come up with a vision and an action plan which we believe will lead us in the right direction to re-invent Kuranda as one of the Far North’s greatest attractions,” she said.
A focus on visitor feedback and brand awareness are two key priorities identified in the plan.
“We will be spending more time researching, understanding and sharing visitor feedback to find out what works and what doesn’t,” Cr Wyatt said.
“The committee will also review and refine the Kuranda brand to ensure it appeals to visitors and delivers on its promise.”
The initial 12-month strategic action plan includes conducting a local operator survey to benchmark the level of awareness and satisfaction in relation to the Tourism Kuranda program and level of awareness of visitor feedback on an annual basis.
“There is set to be a lot of consultation with visitors and operators as we move forward implementing this exciting five-year plan of Tourism Kuranda,” Cr Wyatt said.
“We will also be encouraging local operators, investors and other stakeholders to develop new and exciting visitor experiences that align with our goal of increasing visitor numbers to boost the local economy,” Cr Wyatt concluded.
The plan can be found on Council’s website.
A new dining experience is coming to Mareeba. Obi’s award-winning restaurant in Yungaburra recently announced the relocation to Mareeba.
Council today supported the liquor license application for Custom Cuisine (NQ) Pty Ltd, trading as Obi’s Restaurant at the Byrnes Street premises.
The premises was previously occupied by a licensed restaurant, and it is understood it is currently being fitted out/modified for use by Obi’s Restaurant.
Council also understands that the applicants intend to include an outdoor dining area on the existing timber deck as part of its licensed area.
The proposed trading hours are between 10:00 am to 12:00 am – Monday to Sunday.
Following a recent increase in dog attacks and reports of dogs wandering at large across the Shire, Council today supported an approved animal inspection program to be carried out.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said Council has conducted a number of inspection programs recently which have proved to be successful. “Our officers found that most pet owners are doing the right thing by ensuring their dogs are registered, microchipped and kept in a safe and secure location,” Cr Gilmore said.
However, the recent attacks in Julatten and surrounding areas have prompted Council to initially begin increased patrols in the area and conduct the inspection program.
“Dog attacks are no accident, and everyone has the right to feel safe in a public place,” Cr Gilmore said.
“All dog owners would like to think their pet won’t show aggression towards other animals or people, but it can and does happen for many reasons.”
The program allows Local Laws Officers to check registrations and enclosures relating to the keeping of dogs is conducted lawfully and that officers have the necessary powers of entry as prescribed in both the Local Government Act 2009 and the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008. The program will commence on Tuesday 1 October 2019 and run for three months.