Mareeba Shire Council’s Annual Report 2021/22 has been tabled at today’s Ordinary Council Meeting.
The report highlights Council’s key achievements in delivering services to the Mareeba Shire over the past 12 months.
Mayor Angela Toppin is pleased to report on the achievements seen this year. “We can report on significant achievements this financial year, despite ongoing economic challenges faced by Local Governments, businesses, and communities across Australia following the global pandemic.”
“Despite the challenges, Council has maintained a focus on delivering affordable, quality services for our community by bringing down a balanced budget which is within the means of the ratepayers, and which remains true to our long-term financial plan.”
Mayor Toppin said she was proud that Mareeba Shire continues to grow. “The Shire has continued to keep pace with the rest of Queensland after being named as one of the top 10 fastest growing Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Queensland in 2019/20.”
During the previous financial year, Council’s capital program expended more than $20 million across the Shire.
“Projects include the replacement of the Granite Creek Sewer Pump Station, upgrading of the transport infrastructure network and major projects, including the upgrade to Chillagoe’s critical water infrastructure.”
“The water infrastructure works in Chillagoe allowed Council to lift Level 3 water restrictions that have been in place since 2017,” Mayor Toppin said.
“I am extremely grateful to the State and Federal Government for their continued support allowing Council to enhance the liveability for residents across the Shire.”
Another highlight was the release of the Parks and Open Spaces strategy and Action Plan, following community consultation in 2020. “The action plan represents a record spend on parks and open spaces to improve access to quality parks, without any additional cost to ratepayers.”
The annual report also focusses on Council’s continued efforts to advocate on the most crucial issues impacting our communities. “These issues include community safety, reliable road transport networks, water security and economic recovery following the pandemic. While local governments have limited powers to deliver services which can impact these issues, we will continue to advocate fiercely for our communities,” Mayor Toppin stated.
“We will continue to deliver on our vision, ‘A growing, confident and sustainable Shire’. Our reputation as a high performing Council is a result of the efforts of Councillors and Council Staff and I would like to sincerely thank them all,” Mayor Toppin concluded.
To read the report, click here.
At the Ordinary Council meeting on Wednesday, 26 October 2022, Mareeba Shire Council awarded the contract for the Bicentennial Lakes Design to Trinity Engineering and Consulting Pty Ltd.
A refreshed, detailed design for the Bicentennial Lakes Active Recreation Upgrade will contribute to building a safe, connected and liveable community.
Mareeba Shire Council Mayor, Angela Toppin, is delighted to progress this project.
“Council has awarded the tender to undertake detailed design for the Bicentennial Lakes between Rankin Street and Granite Creek, Mareeba,” Mayor Angela Toppin explained.
“The tendered scope of works includes investigation and design to produce costed, construction-ready plans for the upgrade of the northern and southern sections of the Lakes.”
“This project was developed with the support of the Queensland Government’s Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning in association with Mareeba Shire Council.”
“The Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning has committed up to $166,200 in funding on a 60:40 basis with Council, towards the design of the upgrade.”
“The project will provide opportunities for active recreation, physical activity and enhance the visual appeal to improve liveability and amenity of the shire”, Mayor Angela Toppin concluded.
Member for Cook Cynthia Lui said the Bicentennial Lakes Upgrade would ensure the Mareeba community can make the most of the lakes.
“The Palaszczuk Government is proud to support this upgrade with an investment of $166,200 to develop the plan for the future upgrade of the Lakes,” Ms Lui said.
“Queenslanders have a great lifestyle, and the best of that is on show here in Mareeba, with more investment we can make that lifestyle even better.”
“The Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program supports regional councils with job-creating infrastructure and planning projects,” Ms Lui concluded.
Mareeba Shire Council is making significant progress towards the completion of capital projects throughout the Shire.
“Council’s Capital Works program is focussed on renewal and upgrade of Council infrastructure to achieve Council’s corporate vision of a growing, confident, and sustainable Shire. The program is funded through a combination of Council’s own funding and external grants and subsidies,” Mayor Angela Toppin said.
One project to replace the Kanervo Road Bridge over Davies Creek, is set to be completed by the end of the month.
Mayor Angela Toppin said, “Funded by the Australian Government’s Bridges Renewal Program, the project progressed quickly after the construction of the western abutment reached above the water level of Davies Creek, enabling the Council’s Bridge Crew to work in dry conditions.”
“I am pleased to know that the concrete deck and kerb units was fabricated by Council staff at Council’s Kowa Street Depot,” Mayor Toppin stated.
Another project to upgrade Granite Creek Pump Station, is progressing well.
Mayor Angela Toppin said, “The ageing infrastructure required an upgrade to meet current design requirements and cater for our community well into the future.”
“The project to re-sheet the old railway line corridor from McIver Road to Vicary Road for recreational use was completed in September and is another example of Council’s efforts to make long-term liveability improvements.”
“Signage depicting acceptable trail usage followed in October and the Rail Trail bridge will be completed by the end of the year,” Mayor Toppin said.
Collective procurement arrangements have been established by Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (FNQROC).
“FNQROC invited tenders on behalf of participating Councils and each Council then forms an individual contract with the selected suppliers,” Mayor Toppin explained.
“This arrangement has enabled Mareeba Shire Council, and other participating Councils, to realise economies of scale and improved local delivery supply chains.”
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday, 26 October 2022, Council awarded tenders for the supply and delivering of water chemicals and for the collection and removal of metal and used batteries under this arrangement,” Mayor Toppin concluded.