At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday, 25 January 2023, Council endorsed a recommendation to investigate the opportunities to further develop the Mareeba Airport, by way of inviting expressions of interest (EOI) from the private sector.
Mayor Angela Toppin explains, “The EOI process is a call to the market to gauge the level of interest from the private sector to manage and further develop the Mareeba Airport.”
“This is only stage one of the process and no decision with regard to the future of the airport has been made. If there are any interesting proposals, then Council move to the next stage which is calling for formal tenders and this is when the details will become apparent” she said.
“Mareeba Shire Council is proud of what has been achieved during the history of the airport.”
“From a vital airstrip during WWII, to the modern upgraded airport and aviation industrial park that it is today, Council has been the custodian of this great facility with heavy investment from the State and Federal governments.”
“The potential for economic growth in the airport was the driving force behind the $23 million upgrade completed in 2019, and we are now at the point where Council can facilitate the next stage of development.”
“Council is seeking EOIs from the private sector to take the airport to even greater heights with the additional growth and development.”
“Council will, under no circumstances, sell this important community asset and existing leases will continue until the expiration of current terms and any applicable option term. The aerodrome premises and improvements will be offered in their current condition and will be expected to be maintained to at the very least at this standard. ”
“Many other local government organisations are moving away from managing and operating airports as they are not core business and Councils are not resourced to maximize their potential,” Mayor Angela Toppin explains.
“The decision made by Council today, presents an exciting opportunity to grow Mareeba’s economy through the onset of job creation, attracting aviation professionals and their families to work, live and be part of our community.”
“The EOI process, is an open call to the market to gauge the level of interest and obtain market feedback on the type of commercial arrangements that might be possible utilising a ground lease arrangement at the Mareeba Airport.”
“All proposals will be carefully scrutinised by Council and those that are found to meet Council’s objectives and offer significant community and economic benefits, would then be invited to move to Stage 2 and submit formal tenders for Council’s consideration,” Mayor Toppin concluded.
Mareeba Shire Council endorsed a recommendation to seek Expressions of Interest (EOI), for the management and operation of Council’s aquatic facilities and the Dimbulah Caravan Park on Wednesday, 25 January 2023.
Mareeba Shire Mayor Angela Toppin explains, “The EOI process is a call to the market to understand the level of interest to manage and operate these facilities on Council’s behalf, prior to inviting written tenders from short-listed respondents.”
“The EOI process enables Council to evaluate the best method of providing the service, and value to the community before proceeding with a tender process.”
“Council is open to suggestions and creative ideas on how the facilities can be managed to drive usage and capture new opportunities.”
“The facilities are currently being operated under a short-term arrangement, until 30 June 2023.”
“As Mayor, I would like to reassure residents that Council will do all that is necessary to continue to operate the pools while the new arrangement is finalised.”
Current operating hours for all three facilities are available on Council’s website and advertised at the sites.
“The Shire’s swimming pools provide important social and recreational opportunities and deliver significant community benefits. Many residents are also employed as lifeguards or staff at the pools.”
“Council thanks residents and visitors for their understanding and patience during this transition period,” Mayor Toppin concluded.
Mareeba Shire Council offers free domestic green waste disposal every quarter and the next scheduled days will occur in early February.
“Council has mulched the green waste at the Mareeba and Kuranda Transfer Station In preparation for the upcoming days,” Mayor Angela Toppin said.
The upcoming dates are:
- Mutchilba Transfer Station
Wednesday, 1 February and Saturday, 4 February 2023
- Chillagoe Transfer Station
Thursday, 2 February and Saturday, 4 February 2023
- Mt Carbine Transfer Station
Thursday, 2 February and Sunday, 5 February 2023
- Dimbulah, Julatten, Kuranda and Mareeba Transfer Stations
Saturday, 4 February and Sunday, 5 February 2023
- Almaden, lrvinebank and Mt Molloy Transfer Stations
Saturday, 4 February and Sunday, 5 February 2023