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Items of Interest – Council Meeting – 20 January 2016

By January 21, 2016November 22nd, 2017No Comments

Proposed Mareeba Northern By-Pass, Tenders for NDRRA, Traffic Management Study, Infrastructure Works, Water Supply Strategy, Chillagoe Airport Upgrade

Proposed Mareeba Northern By-Pass

Discussions have recently been held between Council and the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) regarding the planned future northern by-pass linking the Mulligan Highway and the Mareeba-Dimbulah Road.

“This project has been in the planning stage with DTMR for many years, however recent discussions indicate the funding might be available in the near future for the new road,” Mayor Tom Gilmore said.

“The proposed current alignment for the by-pass will link with the Mareeba Industrial Park (MIP) and pass through property owned or under the control of Council. Accordingly, Council has approved further resumptions over these parcel of lands should the by-pass proceed in the future,” Cr Gilmore said.

Council will inform DTMR that at this time they have no objection to the resumption with the understanding the final location is yet to be determined.

Tenders for NDRRA

Council has received grant funding approval from the Queensland Reconstruction Authority to undertake restoration works to essential public assets in Council areas as a consequence of the 2014 NDRRA declared event.

 “Council has awarded several tenders for the restoration of a package of gravel roads to be restored in the shire,” Mayor Tom Gilmore said.

“The tenders are for reconstruction of several roads in Kuranda, Chillagoe and the western regions. Such roads as Black Mountain Road, Cedar Park Road Koah Road, Mt Mulligan-Kondaparinga Road, Ootann Road, Walsh River Road and Bulimba Road are included on a schedule of rates basis,” Cr Gilmore said.

Affected residents will be advised of the planned works programme prior to commencement.

Traffic Management Study

 “Council has asked for a full traffic study to be done for the Mareeba CBD, including vehicle and pedestrian movements, disability access and parking. Mareeba is a growing community and we need to look to the future,” Mayor Tom Gilmore said.

“This report will be developed in conjunction with the Department of Main Roads and council is hoping to have a report tabled by mid-year 2016,” Cr Gilmore said.

Infrastructure Works

 The Mareeba Shire Council has completed a mixture of Parks and Gardens maintenance as well as bridge works during the month of December.

“Parks and Gardens has carried out general repairs and maintenance at the Geraght Park, Julatten, Parks and Gardens, Chillagoe, pressure cleaning CBD footpaths, Kuranda, Borzi and Davies Park, Mareeba. General repairs and  maintenance has also been carried out on furniture and playground equipment,” Mayor Tom Gilmore said.

“The installation of conduit at Therwine street in preparation for the undergrounding of power commenced in November. Council has entered into a cost sharing arrangement with Ergon, which includes the installation of underground PVC conduits by Council and the follow up installation of power supply cables by Ergon.

The work extends the full length of Therwine Street from the intersection of Coondoo Street to the bottom of Therwine Street past the intersection of Thooree Street,” Mayor Gilmore said.

Works are expected to be completed in early February weather permitting.

Water Supply Strategy

 A full review of the existing the existing Water Supply Strategy has been requested by Council at yesterday’s meeting with a report to be tabled midyear 2016.

“The report will be a full review and update of the existing Priority Infrastructure Plan for water in the Mareeba township, with a presentation of a long term Water Supply Strategy for the Mareeba water supply system,” Mayor Gilmore said.

“Council wants to ensure good strategic planning is in place to guarantee a high level of services for the future of the area,” he said.

Chillagoe Airport Remote Airstrip Upgrade

The Mareeba Shire Council yesterday moved to allocate $160,000 from Depreciation towards the Chillagoe Airport as part of the works associated with the Remote Airstrip Upgrade.

“Council has been advised that it has been successful in receiving a grant of $160,000 through the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development under the Regional Airstrip Access Programme for funding towards the resealing of the Chillagoe airstrip and other minor works at the airport.

The funding programme allowed for a 50% contribution from the Australian Government with the other 50% to be funded from Council,” Mayor Tom Gilmore said.

“The funds will go toward resealing the existing pavement, an upgrade to the illuminated wind direction indicator as well as drainage and earthworks,” he said.

Users of the airport will be advised prior to the works proceeding.

Australia Day

 Mareeba Shire Council will host an Australia Day event at the Mareeba Racecourse from 10.30am on Tuesday 26 January.

“It is a day of reflection and celebration of the country we live in and hold proud of the culture and diversity that has created our great country. It is also a day that many individuals and organisations are publically recognised for their outstanding contribution within their community,” Mayor Tom Gilmore said.

“Councils are a big part of bringing the community together, and this Australia Day will be no exception. There are few honours as great as being acknowledged for your contribution to your local community on Australia’s national day of celebration,” Cr Gilmore said.

The event will feature the announcement of the Australia Day Awards, a Citizenship Ceremony and live entertainment that will suit the entire family,” Mayor Tom Gilmore said.

The ceremony will close at 11.30am, followed by morning tea, entertainment, coffee and cake. The Australia Day races will start at 1pm.