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Items of Interest – Council Meeting 15 March 2023

By March 15, 2023No Comments

The following items were addressed at the Ordinary Meeting of Mareeba Shire Council on Wednesday, 15 March 2023.


At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday, 15 March 2023, Mareeba Shire Council approved the development application for a new shopping centre and food and drink outlet.

Mayor Toppin said, “Council welcomes any development to the Shire that will boost economic growth, create employment, and generate investment opportunities.”

“The application and supporting material were assessed against Council’s Planning Scheme 2016 and no conflicts were found with any relevant planning instrument. The application was approved in full, with conditions.”

The proposed development is situated on the corner of Rankin Street and Byrnes Street, Mareeba, and has been vacant since the sawmill’s demolition in the late 1990s.

“Council has previously approved a number of development proposals for the site; however, the current application included additional adjoining land, allowing for a significantly improved development footprint,” Mayor Toppin explains.

“The proposed development will include a 3,655m2 Woolworths Supermarket, approximately seven tenancies, amenities within the shopping centre, a drive through fast food outlet and 230 on site car parks.”

The existing carparks on the State controlled road reserve on Byrnes Street which front the proposed development will be removed to avoid traffic conflicts identified by the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

“The developer is required to provide new RV and large vehicle carparks within the Frew Street Road, in close proximity to Byrnes Street”, Mayor Toppin said.

“This development will benefit residents and visitors alike, and the approval is in line with Council’s robust history of supporting and encouraging development opportunities across the Shire.”

“Our Shire is a wonderful place to live, work and invest and this Council is committed to stimulating the local economy and enhancing the liveability for all residents across the Shire,” Mayor Toppin concluded.


With an ambitious capital works program planned for 2022/23, Mareeba Shire Council is making progress with many projects.

Mareeba Shire Council Mayor, Angela Toppin said that a major project is currently underway to rehabilitate and widen sections of Euluma Creek Road between Black Mountain Road and McLeans Bridge Road.

“The projects are essential to cater for increasing heavy traffic and to address ongoing defects.”

“Narrow sections of existing bitumen sealed road will be widened to eight metres and culverts will be replaced and extended.”

Mayor Toppin explains, “Work recommenced in late May 2022 after continued wet weather at the end of 2021. The project has now progressed with the second coat seal completed last month.”

“Heavy rain in February 2023 has caused substantial scouring of the shoulders and several culverts along Euluma Creek Road. These will be repaired with funding through the Federal and State government’s Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.”

“I look forward to the completion of this project after line-marking is finished later this month.”

“Another project, to widen and seal Borzi Road, Mutchilba was completed in February 2023.”

“This road provides vital access to agricultural properties and a quarry, and the improvements have been well met by our residents.”

“Footpaths and trails are also a focus for Council, and at today’s Ordinary Meeting, Council adopted the Walking Network Plan (WNP) Priority Works Program for Mareeba and Kuranda.”

“The Walking Network Plans are intended to provide a future Master Plan of the area’s ‘Walking Network’, and these documents allow Council to develop a works schedule and an asset management plan.”

“The Priority Works Program has been developed based on a combination of high-level criteria and assumptions, and Council will progress with the projects as budget allows.”

For additional information on the Walking Network Plan (WNP) and Priority Works Program, visit Council’s website.


At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday, 15 March 2023, Mareeba Shire Council awarded the contract for the Bicentennial Lakes Trunk Gravity Main Upgrade to FGF Developments Pty Ltd.

Mareeba Shire Council Mayor, Angela Toppin said that the project is funded by the Queensland Resilience and Risk Reduction Fund (QRRRF), administered through the Queensland Reconstruction Authority. “The project will address capacity issues associated with the existing sewer.”

Mayor Toppin explains, “The alignment connects the section of the sewer main that has been upgraded under the Mason Street Sewer Upgrade project, completed in 2021 at Rankin Street, with the Granite Creek pump station at Byrnes Street.”

“A section of the water main at Keeble Street and Jacobsen Street will also be relocated.”

“The project is required to be practically complete by June 2024 and Council Officers will proceed by entering pre-contract negotiations with FGF Developments Pty Ltd to finalise the project start date.”.

“Works will generally be limited to the road reserve between the edge of the road and property boundary, and residents will be advised accordingly, when the project details are finalised.”

“I would like to thank residents for their patience while we complete this important infrastructure project.”

“The new sewer pipeline will have the capacity to meet the needs of Mareeba now and into the future,” Mayor Toppin concluded.


Council’s work crews have been undertaking emergent work on several roads requiring repairs following the recent wet weather.

Mayor Toppin explains, “Council is eligible for Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DFRA) following the activation of the shire under the Northern and Central Queensland Monsoon and Flooding 20 December 2022 to January 2023 event.”

“Council’s works crew has been undertaking emergent work on roads within the shire in February and to date 155 roads have been inspected and photographed.”

Mayor Toppin said the repairs have been met with challenges. “The ongoing rain is hampering temporary and immediate repair efforts and in numerous cases repair work has been had to be redone, particularly in the Almaden, Watsonville and Irvinebank areas.”

I would like to thank residents for their patience and understanding while Council responds to customer requests across our vast road network. I also encourage residents to report any new damage to Council.


At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday, 15 March 2023, Mareeba Shire Council adopted the proposed Development and Governance 2023/24 fees which includes animal registration fees.

Mayor Angela Toppin explains, “These fees have generally increased by 2.5% in line with Council’s long-term financial plan, however, it is worth noting that desexed and entire dog registrations have been met with no increase.”

“Owning a pet is a great responsibility and I am delighted that the registration fee will be met with no increase for the next financial year,” Mayor Toppin said.

“I encourage residents to visit Council’s website for information about owning a pet in our Shire as well as a link to the online registration form. The form can also be obtained at Council’s Customer Service Centres.”

“The online registration form makes it easier for residents to register their animals, and it has been wonderfully received by our growing community. The form is just one of the many ways Council aims to build platforms to make it easier for residents to do business with us,” Mayor Toppin concluded.