Council this week adopted its Planning Scheme which will commence on July 1, aligning with the new financial year. The Mareeba Shire Council Planning Scheme is a statutory document that will guide the use and development of land and buildings within the shire.
Earlier this month the Hon Jackie Trad MP, Deputy Premier, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade and Investment approved, without condition, the draft plan which was submitted for approval last year.
In addition to adopting the plan, Council also endorsed a number of Planning Scheme Policies (PSP). The PSPs underwent public consultation concurrently with the Planning Scheme. The Minister’s approval to adopt the PSPs is not required. The adoption of the PSPs is intended to support the operation of the Planning Scheme.
“This is a significant document and a significant moment for Council. Council would like to acknowledge the hard work and effort put in by all staff involved in the preparation of this document,” Cr Gilmore said.
Councils across Far North Queensland have together secured a joint contract to improve road safety in the region.
The Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (FNQROC) invited suitably qualified suppliers to quote for the supply and delivery of a collective bitumen reseal programme, enabling greater cost savings for all seven member Councils.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said the Mareeba Shire Council’s capital budget for its annual bitumen reseal programme is currently $1.54 million dollars. “The annual bitumen reseal program will be undertaken in order to maintain roads to a suitable standard and extend the life of existing road networks,” he said.
“The past three bitumen reseal programs were delivered under a collective procurement arrangement coordinated by FNQROC. The collective arrangement has enabled participating member Councils to economise and eliminate the risk of individual Councils competing against each other for limited supplier resources.”
After evaluating tender submissions, the project steering committee comprising of FNQROC representatives and officers from each of the participating Councils, awarded the contract to Fulton Hogan Industries Pty Ltd.
“The Fulton Hogan submission proved to be the most competitive in regards to value for money, providing a significant overall cost benefit for all participating Councils when compared to previous programs,” Mayor Tom Gilmore said.
Over 45 tonnes of plastic waste from the Mareeba Transfer Station and landfill has been recycled, thanks to an agreement between Mareeba Shire Council and Recycle Design Technologies.
After extensive research and subsequent discussions with representatives from Recycle Design Technologies (RDT), a meeting was arranged with Council’s Mayor and senior Water and Waste staff. This led to a formal offer being provided to Council from RDT for the collection, bailing and removal of plastic waste for recycling.
Since then, an astonishing 45.36 tonnes of plastics has been removed for recycling. The waste included trickle tape, chicken crates, chemical drums, old wheelie bins and plastic bumper bars.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said this contract is an excellent opportunity to reduce waste to landfill and reduce costs to the community with a great environmental outcome.