Special Council Meeting 21 June 2017
IN bringing down the 2017-18 Budget today, Mareeba Shire Council Mayor Tom Gilmore said the budget’s primary focus was to continue building a solid foundation for the future growth and prosperity of the Shire.
“This budget, based on the provision of the basics such as roads, water and other essential services, is balanced and with fully funded depreciation,” Cr Gilmore said.
“It contains no surprises or outlandish spending, and continues to build on the foundations of past budgets.”
The budget includes $14.6 million for capital works and $42.7 million to cover the day to day operation and all maintenance work.
AT today’s special Council meeting, Council endorsed the Operational Plan for 2017/2018 ahead of the new financial year. The Plan is a statement of specific works to be undertaken and services to be provided to progress the goals and objectives set out in the Corporate Plan.
- progress phases two and three of the sale of land within the Chillagoe Industrial Estate
- create a new suite of Local Laws and Subordinate Local Laws to replace those which were carried over from Tablelands Regional Council
- Enhance Disaster Recovery capabilities for Council Information systems
- Update the long-term community plan
- Replace water main on Rob Veivers Drive
- Mareeba Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade
- Mareeba Airport Upgrade
Ordinary Council Meeting
COUNCILS across Far North Queensland have together secured a joint contract to improve road safety in the region.
The Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (FNQROC) invited suitably qualified suppliers to quote for the supply and delivery of a collective bitumen reseal programme, enabling greater cost savings for seven member Councils.
Mareeba Shire Council’s budget for its combined bitumen reseal program and asphalt overlay program is $1.37 million.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said the annual bitumen reseal program will be undertaken to maintain roads to a suitable standard and extend the life of existing road infrastructure.
“Past bitumen reseal programs have been delivered under a collective procurement arrangement coordinated by FNQROC. The collective arrangement has enabled participating member Councils to economise and eliminate the risk of individual Councils competing against each other for limited supplier resources.”
After evaluating tender submissions, the project steering committee comprising of FNQROC representatives and officers from each of the participating Council awarded the contract to FGF Bitumen Pty Ltd.
FGF are a local supplier, with a proven excellent track record of successful delivery and high-quality standards.
COUNCIL today introduced a new Environmental Management Policy which aims to enable the environmental management aspirations of the Corporate Plan and provide consistency and transparency in Council responses to environmental management.
The document will replace the existing Policy and be in line with current environmental protection strategies being implemented such as bio-security management, regulation of pollution matters and Council’s Reef Guardian Council participation.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said the new Policy would reflect the Council’s Corporate Plan 2014-2019.
“The Corporate Plan sets the vision for a growing and confident Shire, comprised of diverse communities who share common values of a relaxed lifestyle and respect for the beauty of the natural environment, Cr Gilmore said.
The Policy is required as a mechanism to implement the Corporate Plan by informing and guiding Council’s actions and supporting the implementation of operational projects.
Kowa Street, Mareeba: Works commenced in mid-April to widen Kowa Street, from the intersection of Basalt and Kowa Streets. The project included widening and sealing, driveway works, culvert headwall construction and barrier kerb installation. The project was sealed in early May and will be line marked later this month.
Raleigh Street, Dimbulah: Refurbishment works commenced mid-April on rehabilitation on Raleigh Street, Dimbulah. The project scope included widening and sealing, footpath construction and kerb ramp installation, new barrier kerb and channel and the formalising of existing parking. The project was sealed on 16 May and will be line marked later this month.
MAREEBA Shire Council Mayor Tom Gilmore is thrilled to see these projects under the Works for Queensland program (listed below) happening across the Shire and expressed his appreciation to the State Government for this funding of $3.8 million.
“This funding has allowed us to deliver a range of projects for the benefit of our community that were previously out of reach because of lack of funds, as well as creating jobs for Queensland,” Cr Gilmore said.
“Regional Councils such as ours are heavily dependent on grants and subsidies to bolster our capacity to provide a high level of service across all areas of the Shire.
“The recognition by the Queensland Government is deeply appreciated, and we are moving very quickly indeed to get these projects done.”
Todeschini Bridge – Chewko Road: Works commenced earlier last month to restore Todeschini Bridge on Chewko Road after an inspection was carried out this year indicated the infrastructure needed to be repaired. The project which has now been completed involved a retro-bond and high strength fibre wrap of the concrete kerb exterior face and abutments.
Nissen Creek Bridge – Mt Lewis Road: The load limit at Nissen Creek Bridge was reduced to five tonne earlier this year as a result of a level three bridge inspection. A contractor was engaged to design and assist with the reconstruction of the bridge. Works commenced 16 May and were completed 22 May 2017.
Gilmore Road, Mareeba: The Gilmore Road widening and seal project commenced late last month. The project includes the widening of 1,400m of Gilmore road, upgrading of existing accesses and a two coat bitumen seal. Works expected to be completed later this month.
Hastie Road Sewer Main Project, Mareeba: As part of the Government’s Works for Queensland Program, the upgrade to the sewer network capacity at Hastie Road, Mareeba has commenced. This upgrade will provide wastewater services enabling future residential and commercial development and meet demands for housing while mitigating the risk of environmental impacts.