AN extended period of dry weather and dropping levels at Tinaroo Dam have prompted Mareeba Shire Council to impose Level 1 water restrictions.
Currently, Tinaroo is sitting at 49.58 per cent and farmers’ water allocation has been reduced to 60 per cent.
Council moved today that effective immediate Level 1 water restrictions will be imposed for all ratepayers connected to the Council’s water supply. Level 1 water restrictions limit the use of irrigation to between the hours of 6pm and 8am however hand held hoses may be used at any time.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said Council is being proactive about preserving water consumption. “Council moved in recognition of the fact we live in a robust agricultural economy; we are entirely dependent upon water from Tinaroo,” he said.
“Domestic water supply for Mareeba, Dimbulah and Kuranda are all drawn from Tinaroo and Council agreed today that we should, in recognition of the fact that Tinaroo is less than 50 per cent and we are entering an irrigation year, that we will introduce Level 1 water restrictions for domestic use.”
The restrictions are effective immediately however policing will commence from 1 August 2017.
COUNCIL today agreed to allow three ratepayers to lodge planning applications under the old planning scheme rules. In terms of legislation anyone is allowed to make such a request within 12 months of a new planning scheme coming into force. This decision was based on the potential risk of a considerable compensation claim that Council and the community would face should their request be denied.
“This simply allows the applicants to lodge a planning application. It is not an approval and should they lodge an application within the allowable six months, it will be fully assessed and considered by Council.” Cr Gilmore said.
Kenneally Road Sewer Works
THE Queensland Government recently announced that Mareeba Shire Council was successful in securing funding to safeguard and increase the capacity of the wastewater system in the Kenneally Road area, Mareeba.
Today, Council awarded the contract to Koppen Constructions to design and construct the new sewer rising mains to increase the capacity of the sewer trunk mains required for increased demand.
Mayor Tom Gilmore expressed his appreciation to the State Government for helping fund this vital project.
“The upgrade is critical to the functioning of the Mareeba community, and failure to undertake the wastewater system upgrade will significantly impact the community’s prosperity and wellbeing,” Cr Gilmore said.
“The project will secure an efficient wastewater system to safeguard public health and the health of waterways.”
Works for Queensland Program
MAREEBA Shire Council continues to carry out projects under the States Government’s Works for Queensland Program. Council received $3.8 million to deliver a range of projects for the benefit of our community that were previously out of reach because of lack of funds, as well as creating jobs for Queensland.
Sabin Road West Intersection, Mareeba: Works involved the widening and upgrading of the existing Malone Road and Sabin Road West intersection, the widening of Malone Road, the installation of concrete kerbing, driveway upgrades and a two-coat bitumen seal. This project was completed last month.
Gilmore Road, Mareeba: The Gilmore Road widening and seal project was completed earlier this month. The project includes the widening of 1,400m of Gilmore Road, upgrading of existing accesses and a two coat bitumen seal.
Bushy Creek Bridge – Mt Lewis Road: The load limit at Bushy Creek Bridge was reduced to three tonne earlier this year as a result of a level three bridge inspection. A contractor was engaged to design and assist with the reconstruction of the bridge. Works were completed last month.