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Have Your Say on Invasive Weed

By March 18, 2021November 29th, 2021No Comments

Last month Mareeba Shire Council moved an emergency declaration to declare Frogbit as a local pest.

The community is now invited to submit feedback regarding the declaration of Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium Laevigatum) as a local pest by including it in schedule 1 of Local Law No.3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2018.

Mayor Toppin said Council has been strongly advocating both levels of government to ban the invasive weed.

“Council is taking steps to declare Frogbit as a local pest, prompting the Government to also take action,” Cr Toppin said.

“Frogbit has been a concern of the community and Council for some time and we recognise the devastating effect the plant is having on our waterways and environment.

“The weed was identified in the Council’s new Biosecurity Plan which was released last year and now we are taking further action to prompt the Government to declare Frogbit as an invasive plant,” Cr Toppin said.

Frogbit is a floating freshwater plant from Central and South America. It has been kept and traded for use in fishponds, aquariums and water features.

Mayor Toppin said the community has seen how rapidly the weed can invade and smother waterways and is encouraging residents to have their say regarding the local law amendment which would see the weed permanently banned in the Shire.

Declaring Amazon Frogbit as a local pest will prohibit the sale, propagating or harbouring the weed. The law will also allow Council to enter properties to conduct inspections for the declared pest.

The plant can have significant environmental impacts to the waterways by preventing native water plants from growing, reducing light, food and shelter for fish and other aquatic animals and blocking waterways and irrigation channels.

Written submissions must be received by 5pm 30 March 2021. Submissions can be lodged in person at Council’s customer service centre, via email or post to PO Box 154 Mareeba Q 4880.