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Water Flows into Chillagoe

By August 12, 2021January 4th, 2022No Comments

A new 500 kilolitre water reservoir has delivered essential water security to the Chillagoe community. 

Mareeba Shire Council Mayor Angela Toppin said the completion of the reinforced concrete reservoir on June 25 provided Chillagoe with a level of water security not previously enjoyed by the vulnerable community.   

“The higher capacity 500KL reservoir located near Hill Street replaces the two 190KL steel reservoirs which previously existed in Chillagoe, although the township’s water needs were being served by just one of the steel reservoirs prior to now,” Cr Toppin said. 

“In addition to boosting the usable holding capacity, the new reservoir meets all cyclone rating standards and provides greater capacity for fire-fighting purposes and potential drinking water, strengthening the township’s resilience in a disaster situation. 

“This project is a prime example of Council’s proactive Water Strategy in effect, ensuring secure and reliable water infrastructure for the Mareeba Shire community.” 

Cr Toppin said previously the supply of drinking water did not meet minimum requirements, leaving the remote town at risk of running out of this precious resource. 

“The 500KL reservoir provides for the growth in demand for water supply and has a superior design life of 80 years,” she said. 

“The reservoir also provides greater water security for small business, beef, mining and tourism, the main industries in the Chillagoe area, establishing greater economic stability.” 

Cr Toppin said delivery of the project was the result of Council’s strong advocacy to achieve greater water security and economic development for Chillagoe, especially given the township’s vulnerability to drought. 

“Council advocated on behalf of the Chillagoe community and the Federal and Queensland Governments agreed that the project was of immense benefit to the township’s economic development, and I thank both governments for funding this vital piece of infrastructure,” she said. 

The $1.1 million project was predominantly co-funded through the Australian Government’s Building Better Regions Funding Program ($600,000) and the Queensland Government’s Building our Regions Program ($450,000) and had been necessitated by the failing steel reservoirs. 

The two 190KL reservoirs that previously served the Chillagoe area were leaking and at high risk of failure. 

They were decommissioned and removed following construction of the new reservoir.