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Enhancing Parks and Open Spaces

By March 22, 2021November 29th, 2021No Comments

The results from a community survey that will help develop the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy are in, as Council continues several projects across the Shire to enhance recreation facilities.

Mareeba Shire Mayor Angela Toppin said close to 500 responses were submitted and Council has already taken a proactive approach as the survey results are unpacked.

“Thank you to everyone who took the time to give Council feedback regarding the use of parks and open spaces across the Shire,” Cr Toppin said.

“While a detailed analysis of the survey results is underway, Council has already identified opportunities to enhance our parks and open spaces and these works are underway, which is exciting to see.”

Projects include an undercover play area at Centenary Park in Mareeba, including new playground equipment, the installation of additional solar lighting at the Bicentennial Lakes in Mareeba to improve community safety, and also the replacement of outdoor gym equipment at Mary Andrews Park in Mareeba. In Kuranda, the new Barron Falls walking trails project and the Jum Rum walking trail upgrade are both nearing completion. Council has also recently completed refurbishment works at the amenities facilities at Irvinebank and Mount Molloy.

Mayor Toppin said at first glance, the top five priorities identified from the survey were playgrounds, picnic tables and BBQ areas, toilet amenities, rubbish bins, and trees and nature.

“Our Council officers are currently undertaking a detailed analysis of the data on a locality basis to identify strategic opportunities which will guide our deliberations and the overall strategic plan for the next several years.

“We really want to look at the bigger picture and have a strategic vision going forward,” Cr Toppin said.

“Our vision is to make the Mareeba Shire more attractive for families by enhancing our parks and open spaces to make them more user-friendly and cater for the needs of the residents and community groups,” Cr Toppin said.

The survey also revealed that the most frequently used recreational areas include Centenary Park, Mary Andrews Park and the Bicentennial Lakes in Mareeba while the Kuranda Esplanade, Jumrum Creek, Wrights Lookout and Centenary Park are the most frequented in Kuranda.