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Dimbulah, you’re invited

By August 25, 2022No Comments

Mareeba Shire Council invites all residents of Dimbulah and surrounds to give feedback on plans for Dimbulah’s Memorial Park and associated playgrounds.

“We have chosen a ‘drop in’ style afternoon to ensure that all interested residents can come along at a time that suits them,” Mayor Angela Toppin explained.

“The Councillors and I will be there throughout the afternoon, and Council staff will also be in attendance.”

The session will be held at the Dimbulah Memorial Hall on Raleigh Street on Tuesday, 6 September 2022 and from 3pm – 6pm.

“Council has identified two options and would like the community’s input so the project, to be completed this financial year, reflects the needs of the Dimbulah community, today,” Mayor Toppin explained.

“The Dimbulah community is thriving, and Council is so pleased to invest in quality public facilities to benefit the town’s families and visitors alike.”

The Dimbulah Memorial Park upgrade was identified in Council’s first ‘Parks & Open Spaces Action Plan’ following a community survey in 2020.