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Council Updates Disaster Plan

By September 17, 2020October 13th, 2020No Comments

Mareeba Shire Council recently adopted an updated Local Disaster Management Plan, providing a comprehensive framework for a multiagency response and recovery operation in times of disaster.

The Plan is an overarching document that details the structure, management arrangements and governance in terms of preparing for, responding to and recovering from a disaster.

Mareeba Shire Mayor and Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group Councillor Angela Toppin said “the plan is designed to be flexible so it can be adapted to any disaster event affecting the region to ensure an integrated, coordinated and timely response.”

“This is a dynamic document that is regularly reviewed and kept current, in line with any changes in legislation and reflect learnings from significant events within Australia or elsewhere,” she said.

The Bureau of Meteorology advising of a La Niña weather alert, increasing the potential for an above-average cyclone season, Mayor Toppin is encouraging residents to ensure they have an emergency plan in place for any potential disaster or serious events.

“Our region is prone to cyclones, floods and bushfires, and our community is very strong and resilient, however we must not be complacent,” Mayor Toppin said.

“Community safety is everyone’s responsibility and we all have a part to play when it comes to disaster preparedness.

“I ask that all residents do their part and develop their own emergency plan so that you and your family are prepared for a disaster or emergency situation,” she said.

The Disaster Management Plan will be available from the Council’s website.