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Controlled Burning Reduces Risk

By May 27, 2020June 25th, 2020No Comments

Mareeba Shire Council uses two main methods to mitigate the potential bushfire hazard on land under its fire management strategy.

Bare earth fire breaks, graded bare earth fire breaks and slashed fire breaks are used in various regions on Council controlled land across the Shire.

“Fuel reduction burns form a major component of Council’s fire management strategy and are programmed to occur at the earliest possible time after the wet season when vegetation is in a condition to be burnt,” Mareeba Shire Mayor Angela Toppin said.

“Getting the burns done before the hot weather arrives is important to reduce risk.

“We encourage all landowners to begin their preparations as early as possible,” Cr Toppin said.

The timing is weather dependent.

Council is currently undertaking controlled burns in Chillagoe, Dimbulah and Mareeba over the coming weeks to reduce fuel loads.

A number of the fuel reduction burns are carried out in collaboration with the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services and Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy.

“Between them, these two State Government departments have the ability to supply crew, vehicles and appliances,” Cr Toppin said.

“It is dependent on current ground conditions whether the additional resources will be required, but the assistance and advice from the departments are invaluable to us.”

“Likewise, Council also provides resources to assist, when required, to these entities,” Cr Toppin said.