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Celebrating Seniors Week

By August 7, 2020August 24th, 2020No Comments

Seniors Week across Queensland will look a little different this year as we adapt to the changing conditions. The last few months have shown us how we can all stay connected during times of isolation and social distancing.

This year more than ever people need something to celebrate, in the safest way possible.

While Council’s annual Seniors Week morning tea will not be held due to COVID restrictions, we will be celebrating the wonderful contribution seniors make in our community.

As Covid-19 regulations have seen many older people in self-isolation, never has it been more important to ensure people remain connected and don’t become segregated.

To do so, Queensland Seniors Week is thinking outside the box, and has launched a calendar of virtual events.

To help seniors make the most of the virtual experiences on offer a guide as been prepared to make it easy to access a range of activities.