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Calling All Artists

By September 12, 2019September 18th, 2019No Comments

The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) 2019/20 community grants round is now open.

Individuals, groups and not for profit organisations are invited to submit applications for funding for projects that enhance participation and development of the arts, heritage and cultural sector across the Shire.

Chair of the RADF Advisory Committee, Cr Angela Toppin said Mareeba Shire Council is looking for projects that builds cultural capacity, innovation and community pride within the Mareeba Shire. “Earlier this year, Council provided funding totalling more than $35,000 to 11 arts and cultural groups and artists for projects that encourage participation in arts and culture and increase the opportunities of the local arts sector,” Cr Toppin said.

“Past projects have included public murals, interpretive historical storyboards and video documentation, development of local events, development of new works for exhibition and performance.

“We really want to focus on priority areas of youth arts engagement, public mural partnerships and cultural tourism, however we need talented and creative artists to put forward their ideas,” Cr Toppin said.

Guidelines and application forms are available to download from the Mareeba Shire Council website or contact MSC RADF Officer by email  Applications close Thursday 31 October 2019.

The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Mareeba Shire Council that promotes the role and value of arts, culture and heritage as key drivers of diverse and inclusive communities and strong regions.