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Media Release

By March 18, 2020March 31st, 2020No Comments

Mareeba Shire residents are being reassured essential services will not be impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

Plans are in place to ensure essential services are maintained should the coronavirus impact on the region.

Mareeba Shire Mayor Tom Gilmore said the Chief Executive Officer and senior management would continue to meet and identify issues and potential risks to the community and the organisation. “For now, it’s business as usual,” Cr Gilmore said.

“We will continue to monitor the situation as it unfolds, and we are following advice from health authorities.

“We have put measures in place to ensure essential services such as waste, water and sewerage will not be compromised,” he said.

Non-essential services including minor road works and vegetation maintenance may be delayed if staff and resources become limited or prioritised elsewhere.

As of Monday 23 March 2020, Shire Library branches will only offer essential borrowing services in the branch, all other services and activities will be suspended indefinitely.

“We will be introducing recommended social distancing and hygiene practises at all our libraries to prevent the spread of the virus,” Cr Gilmore said.

“This is an unpredictable fast-moving situation and we are actively monitoring and putting business continuity plans in place to deal if and when the situation escalates,” Cr Gilmore said.

Operating hours of the Kuranda Visitor Information Centre will also be reduced from Monday for the safety of volunteers, visitors and the general public.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Sunday announced several measures aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19, which included the banning all non-essential gatherings of more than 500 people.

Following the Government’s advice, Council has decided to cancel the Kuranda Easter event and the Great Wheelbarrow Race.

“The health and wellbeing of the community, our volunteers and staff is a priority and Council has taken appropriate action to reduce the spread of the virus,” Cr Gilmore said.

Anyone with concerns can call 13 HEALTH or find up-to-date reliable information on the Queensland Health website at