Mareeba Shire is pleased to welcome the Cardiac Challenge once again on Saturday 22 September 2018.
Every year, hundreds of cyclists from around Australia and overseas are drawn to the city of Cairns in tropical Far North Queensland to saddle up for the Mount Franklin Cardiac
And every year, the fundraising bike ride from Cairns to Cooktown gains momentum: 2016’s event included 350 riders, who raised more than $300,000.
This event was launched in 2007 by the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation and has raised more than $3.7million in that time.
The three-day, 333 km ride attracts people from all walks of life: teenagers, new mums and retirees, cabinet makers and accountants, doctors, nurses and dentists, farmers, and
pharmacists, pilots and school principals, lawyers, bus drivers, police and builders.
For more information visit the Cardiac Challenge website.