Type of Rates and Charges

General Rates

Each property is allocated a rating category, Council uses relevant information from the land record and any other available information which identifies the use of the rateable land to determine the appropriate category.

In accordance legislation, all rateable land contained in the Mareeba Shire Council area have been categorised along with the rate in the dollar and minimum general rate set.

The general rate category of your land is shown on the first page of your rate notice and more detailed information can be found in Council’s the Rating Category Statement as well as Council’s Budget that is adopted  annually.

Objection to Rating Category

In accordance with the Local Government Act 2009, owners of rateable land have the right to object to the category their land is included in.  All objections shall be made to the Chief Executive Officer, Mareeba Shire Council within 30 days of the date of issue of the rate notice.

The only basis for objection shall be that at the date of issue of the rate notice, having regard to the criteria adopted by Council, the land should be in another category.  If an owner is aggrieved by the decision of the Chief Executive Officer, the owner may appeal to the Land Court against the decision.

Property owners must pay their rates in full even if they have lodged an objection.  To lodge a Notice of Objection against Rating Categorisation please complete the ‘Notice of Object Against Rating Categorisation’ application form online or download an application form here.

Utility Charges

  • Water Access and Usage

Water charges apply to all properties that are contained either wholly or partly within the declared water area or outside the area but connected to the water reticulation system.  The water access charge covers the cost of providing water supply, taking into account asset upgrades, replacements and provision for the future needs of water infrastructure.

The water usage charge reflects your specific water consumption and covers the variable cost of supplying water to consumers on a two-tiered basis.  For example, wages, chemicals, electricity and maintenance.

  • Sewerage

Sewerage charges apply to all properties that are contained either wholly or partly within the declared sewered area or outside the area but connected to Council sewerage system.  The sewerage charge covers the cost of operation, maintenance, capital expenditure and provision for future needs of the sewerage associated with the sewerage system.

  • Waste Facilities Charge

This charge is to provide funds to assist with the cost of operating, managing and environmental compliance of the transfer stations and landfills throughout the shire.

  • Waste Collection (Wheelie Bin)

This charge is to pay for your kerbside wheelie bin pick-up for residential properties in the waste area only.  The waste area is defined as the area in which Council or Council’s contractors provide a mobile waste collection service.

  • Trade Waste

An annual fixed charge to commercial and industrial generators discharging trade waste into Council’s wastewater system to recover the costs associated with the management of the trade waste services.

Separate Charges

  • Local State Emergency Services Levy

This charge is levied on all rateable properties within the shire to fund the general operations and maintenance of the Local State Emergency Services Groups.

  • State Government Emergency Management Levy

This is a compulsory charge that Council is required to collect on behalf of the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) in accordance with the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990 and Fire and Emergency Services Regulation 2011.

This levy acknowledges that all Queenslanders are at risk from a variety of emergencies including floods, cyclones, storms as well as fires and accidents.  The funds collected are forwarded to the State Government (QFES) and serves as a primary source of funding for emergency management services.  These services include the Fire and Rescue Service, Rural Fire Service Queensland, and the State Emergency Service.  The Emergency Management Levy remains its primary source of funding.

Special Rates and Charges

Special rates and charges are for services, facilities and activities that have a special association with particular land.  Council has the following special rates and charges:

  • Volunteer Brigade Equipment and Maintenance Levy

This charge applies to those properties identified in the relevant Rural Fire Area which will have access to respective Rural Fire Brigades.  The monies collected go directly to the Rural Fire Brigades for the purchase, upkeep and maintenance of equipment.  The annual levy is determined by the committees of each Rural Fire Brigade.

  • Irvinebank Reservoir Water Supply Benefited Area

This special charge is levied on all properties in the Irvinebank Water Benefited Area to cover the costs of operation, maintenance and capital expenditure associated with delivering water from the Ibis Dam to the town reservoirs.

  • Irvinebank Township Water Supply Benefited Area

This special charge is levied on all properties in the Irvinebank Water Benefited Area.  These funds will be forwarded to the Irvinebank School of Arts and Progress Association for the purpose of raising funds as a reserve for future upgrades of the water reticulation system and/or the maintenance of the water reticulation system from the town reservoirs to the properties.

  • Mareeba Benefited Area

This special rate is levied on properties in the Mareeba Benefited Area to fund projects including but not limited to:

  • Roads and drainage
  • Footpath construction and maintenance
  • Beautification works
  • Promotional activities
  • Economic and tourism development
  • Street furniture and decorations
  • Extractive Industry Road Contribution

This special charge is levied on extractive industry properties to fund road and drainage construction and repair within the shire.