Interment and Memorial Options

Council approval must be granted prior to the construction, installation and maintenance of a memorial in a Council cemetery.  Memorials must be constructed in accordance with MSC Cemetery Terms and Conditions and MSC Cemetery Memorial Specifications Guideline and applicable Australian Standards.  The construction, installation and maintenance of permanent memorials and associated costs are the responsibility of the family and descendants of the deceased.

To construct or maintain a full grave slab, headstone on beam or vault an Application to Construct or Maintain a Memorial must be submitted and approved before works commence by a qualified stonemason or tradesperson. Fees may apply.

To arrange for a bronze plaque to be fitted to mark a grave or niche, please contact Council and complete and submit a Bronze Memorial Plaque Order Form or Niche Plaque Order Form. Council will obtain a quote and design for the applicant to approve. Once payment is made the plaque will be ordered and installed at time of interment.

The interment and associated memorial options available at each cemetery are detailed below.

For more information, please contact our Customer Service Team 1300 308 461 or email

Lawn (Grave) Plaque on Beam

The permanent memorial specified in the Lawn (Grave) Plaque on Beam features a brown, bronze plaque attached to a common beam at the head of a lawn grave. Refer to MSC Cemetery Memorial Specifications Guideline.

A bronze plaque must be ordered from and installed by Council by submitting a Bronze Plaque Order Form

To identify the subsequent placement of ashes, a bronze niche plaque may also be ordered and installed by Council by submitting a Niche Plaque Order Form.

Lawn (Grave) Plaque on Beam is available at: Dimbulah Cemetery, Kuranda Heights Cemetery, Mareeba Cemetery.

Lawn (Grave) Headstone on Beam

A headstone on beam memorial combines a lawn burial with the installation of an upright headstone monument on the common concrete beam.

Headstones must not exceed 1.2m width, 0.3m depth and 0.7m height. Refer to Refer to MSC Cemetery Memorial Specifications Guideline.

Headstones must be ordered from and installed by a stonemason.

An Application to Construct or Maintain a Memorial must be submitted.

To identify the subsequent placement of ashes, a bronze niche plaque may also be ordered and installed by Council by submitting a Niche Plaque Order Form.

Lawn (Grave) Headstone on Beam is available at: Mareeba New Cemetery.

Angels Rest

An upright headstone or pillar monument may be installed on the common concrete beam at the head of a lawn grave.  This section is reserved for children under 12 years of age.

Council typically constructs and installs a concrete pillar in this section as part of the interment right purchase. Refer to MSC Cemetery Memorial Specifications Guideline.

A bronze plaque may be attached to the headstone or pillar, by submitting a Bronze Plaque Order Form.

To identify the subsequent placement of ashes, a bronze niche plaque may also be ordered and installed by Council by submitting a Niche Plaque Order Form.

Angels Rest is available at: Mareeba New Cemetery.

Full Grave Slab

The permanent memorial specified in the Full Grave Slab section is a traditional, upright headstone installed on a concrete slab or border that covers the full grave plot.  The slab may be finished with tiles or marble.

The memorial must not exceed 1.5m width, 2.7m length and 1.2m height.  A double full grave slab allows for construction over two plots. Refer to MSC Cemetery Memorial Specifications Guideline.

Full grave slab and headstones must be ordered from and installed by a stonemason.  An Application to Construct or Maintain a Memorial must be submitted.

Full Grave Slab is available at: Almaden Cemetery, Chillagoe Cemetery, Dimbulah Cemetery, Irvinebank Cemetery, Kuranda Heights Cemetery, Mareeba New Cemetery, Mount Carbine Cemetery, Mount Molloy Cemetery and Watsonville Cemetery.

Vault Above or Below Ground

A vault is a concrete receptacle that houses a coffin that is sealed and lined and may be placed either above or below ground.

The memorial must not exceed 1.54m width, 3.09m length and 2.2m height (inclusive of headstone.)  A double vault allows for construction over two plots. Refer to MSC Cemetery Memorial Specifications Guideline.

Vaults must be ordered from, constructed and installed by a qualified stonemason. An Application to Construct or Maintain a Memorial must be approved before works commence.

Vault Above or Below Ground is available at: Dimbulah Cemetery, Mareeba New Cemetery.

Columbarium Wall

Columbarium walls are constructed by Council and allow for the interment of ashes.

The memorial in this section is restricted to a bronze niche plaque and optional vases fixed to the wall.  A double niche allows for the interment two persons ashes, arranged vertically.

The bronze niche plaque must be ordered and installed by Council by submitting a Bronze Niche Plaque Order Form.

The niche dimensions differ between cemeteries and families should ensure receptacles are of appropriate size. Refer to MSC Cemetery Memorial Specifications Guideline.

Columbarium Wall is available at: Dimbulah Cemetery, Kuranda Cemetery, Mareeba New Cemetery.

Columbarium Ground

The Chillagoe Columbarium Ground allows for the interment of ashes below ground and the installation of small concrete or stone pillar and bronze niche plaque.

Council typically organises the construction and installation of a natural stone or concrete pillar. Please contact Council’s Customer Service Team for more information.  An Application to Construct or Maintain a Memorial must be submitted.

A bronze niche plaque must be ordered from and installed by Council by submitting a Niche Plaque Order Form.

The Columbarium Ground is available at: Chillagoe and Watsonville Cemeteries.

Mausoleum Wall

Mausoleum walls that are specially constructed to appropriately house coffins in niches above ground.  Mausoleum walls are constructed by Council.  Refer to MSC Cemetery Memorial Specifications Guideline.

The niche is sealed with a marble fascia that is supplied with the purchase of the interment right or at the time of interment.

The marble fascia may only be removed, engraved and replaced by a stonemason.  Typically, arrangements are made directly between the funeral director and stonemason.  Please contact Council’s Customer Service Team for more information.

Mausoleum Wall is available at: Dimbulah Cemetery, Mareeba Cemetery.

Mausoleum (House) Free Standing

A mausoleum house is a free-standing, above-ground structure that is a privately owned and constructed, that can accommodate the interment of coffins and ashes, typically for a single family.

Mausoleums must be constructed by suitably experienced and qualified tradespersons in accordance with Australian Building Standards and MSC Cemetery Memorial Specifications Guideline.  

A building application must be lodged with Council before works can commence and fees will apply.  Please contact Council’s Customer Service Team for more information.

Mausoleum (House) Free Standing is available at: Dimbulah Cemetery, Mareeba Cemetery.

Unknown Location Memorial

The Unknown Location Memorial section allows for the installation of a small concrete pillar and bronze niche plaque, where an interment is recorded for the Cemetery but the location of the grave cannot be identified.  Interment of remains is not available in this section.

The concrete pillar must be ordered from and installed by Council by submitting an Application to Construct or Maintain a Memorial.  A bronze niche plaque must be ordered from and installed by Council by submitting a Niche Plaque Order Form. Please contact Council’s Customer Service Team for more information and refer to the MSC Cemetery Memorial Specifications Guideline.

Unknown Location Memorial Pillar is available at: Mareeba Pioneer Cemetery and the Chillagoe Cemetery.