Interment and Memorial Options
Council approval must be granted prior to the construction, installation and maintenance of a memorial in a Council cemetery. Memorials must be constructed in accordance with MSC Cemetery Terms and Conditions and MSC Cemetery Memorial Specifications Guideline and applicable Australian Standards. The construction, installation and maintenance of permanent memorials and associated costs are the responsibility of the family and descendants of the deceased.
To construct or maintain a full grave slab, headstone on beam or vault an Application to Construct or Maintain a Memorial must be submitted and approved before works commence by a qualified stonemason or tradesperson. Fees may apply.
To arrange for a bronze plaque to be fitted to mark a grave or niche, please contact Council and complete and submit a Bronze Memorial Plaque Order Form or Niche Plaque Order Form. Council will obtain a quote and design for the applicant to approve. Once payment is made the plaque will be ordered and installed at time of interment.
The interment and associated memorial options available at each cemetery are detailed below.
For more information, please contact our Customer Service Team 1300 308 461 or email