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Kuranda Suburban Water Security Project

By February 13, 2017November 21st, 2017No Comments

Commencement of Work – Construction of Reservoirs at Mason Road and Warril Drive

The Kuranda Suburban Water Security Project will see the construction of two additional drinking water reservoirs to improve water security. The project is funded through a $650,000 grant from the Queensland Government’s Building our Regions Program with the remainder funded by Mareeba Shire Council.

This project is to improve the water security to the communities serviced by the reservoirs on Mason Road and Warril Drive. This is a critical project that will ensure the minimum industry standard water capacity is held in the Warril Drive and Mason Road reservoirs to provide a secure water supply to businesses and residents and fire-fighting capacity in emergency situations. The current water reservoirs only hold a limited supply and these new reservoirs will provide a significantly better reserve supply.

Council wishes to advise residents of upcoming works in their area over the next six (6) to eight (8) months. Construction may affect residents in communities serviced by the existing reservoirs at Platypus Close (located off Mason Road) and Hilltop Close (located off Warril Drive). The associated works will periodically see the movement of trucks and machinery in these areas along with construction activities; however disruption to residents will be kept to a minimum.

Warril Drive Reservoir and Booster Pump Station: The existing reservoir at Hilltop Close will be demolished, and a new 500kL reservoir will be constructed in its place. To maintain service to the local area during the decommissioning and construction, the local network will be supplied water by an inline booster pump station. The existing booster pump station will be replaced with a new pump station capable of servicing the network while the reservoir is offline and to provide tank filling during normal operation of the reservoir.

Mason Road Reservoir: The existing 636kL reservoir located at the top of Platypus Close is in good condition and will be retained. An additional 500kL reservoir will be constructed adjacent the existing reservoir.

Should you have any inquiries on these projects please contact Council on 1300 308 461.