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Items of Interest – Ordinary Council Meeting 21 June 2023

By June 22, 2023No Comments


At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday, 21 June 2023, Mareeba Shire Council approved the drafting of a new Land Management Plan and subsequent actions required to facilitate an amendment to the permitted use of the Chillagoe Rodeo Grounds.

Mayor Angela Toppin explains, “The Chillagoe Rodeo Grounds facility is leased to the Chillagoe Bushman’s Carnival Association (CBCA) in accordance with Council’s Community Leasing Policy.”

“The Policy covers tenure arrangements between Council and not-for-profit community groups for the exclusive occupation and use of Council land or facilities to conduct community activities for community benefit.”

“Council received correspondence from the CBCA seeking Council’s consideration on a change to the permitted use of the facility under the terms of their lease, and today, Council has started the process to action this change.”

Chillagoe Bushman’s Carnival Association (CBCA) Chair, Jayme Murray, thanked Council for their support. “The Chillagoe Rodeo Grounds is an important facility in our town and with Council’s support, we are looking forward to increase usage of the facility.”

“Traditionally, the Rodeo Grounds has been used for activities relating to rodeo and horse-sports related activities, and a change in the lease will enable the Committee to expand on these activities. To assist with this change, we have applied for grant funding and when successful we will use these funds for improvements to the facility.”

“With improvements in place and the change to the lease and reserve purpose, the grounds can be used for non-equestrian activities, including community fundraisers, information days, country music festivals, private functions and markets,” Ms Murray concluded.

Mayor Angela Toppin said, “I would like to acknowledge the significant and ongoing efforts of the Chillagoe Bushman’s Carnival Association (CBCA) and the countless volunteers, members of the community and businesses who make events like the Chillagoe Rodeo and Chillagoe Festival possible.”

“The economic benefits and support community organisations like the CBCA provide is immeasurable, and I wish the Association all the best with the expansion on their activities,” Mayor Toppin concluded.


At the Ordinary Council meeting on Wednesday, 21 June 2023, Council approved two tenders for upgrades to the Mareeba Water Treatment Plant.

Mareeba Shire Council Mayor, Angela Toppin said the first tender was awarded to A & B Civil Contracting Pty Ltd for upgrades to the Mareeba Water Plant Raw Water Pump Station, and the second tender was awarded to FGF Developments Pty Ltd for upgrades to the Mareeba Plant Booster Pump Station.

“Council was successful in obtaining $475,524.00 in grant funding from the Queensland Government Local Government Grants and Subsidies program (LGGSP) for upgrades to the Raw Water Pump Station at the Mareeba Water Treatment Plant, and under the funding agreement, Council will contribute $317,016 to the project.”

“The project scope includes the lifting of the priority infrastructure out of the flood zone and the provision of improved operational functionality when delivering water to the clarifiers through the filtration process.”

“The second project, to upgrade the Plant Booster Pump Station, is set to be completed by April 2024,” Mayor Toppin said.

“Council received $1,600,000 in funding for the upgrade through the Federal Governments Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program (BSBRGP), with a contribution of $1,482,950.”

“This project will address the ongoing water pressure issues and lift the firefighting capacity in the Mareeba Township while addressing the water pressure on the eastern side and to the southern side of Mareeba.”

“Like most rural and regional areas, much of Mareeba Shire’s urban water supply infrastructure was installed in the 1950’s and 1960’s, and Council has been actively pursuing grant funds to ensure the ageing water infrastructure components can be replaced.”

“This project is an example of Council’s proactive water strategy to ensure secure and reliable water infrastructure for the Mareeba Shire now and into the future,” Mayor Angela Toppin concluded.

Palaszczuk Government Water Minister, Glenn Butcher says it’s great to see this crucial project moving forward and it will ensure long-term liveability in the community.

“Mareeba Shire Council is tracking well with these major works and it’s fantastic that they’ve reached another important milestone,” Minister Butcher said.

“Water and sewerage infrastructure are vital to good jobs, better services and the ongoing liveability of our wonderful Queensland communities.”


At the Ordinary Meeting of Mareeba Shire Council on Wednesday, 21 June 2023, it was reported that Council has awarded the tender to build a new cemetery in Kuranda.

Four submissions were received, with the tender being awarded to Mareeba based company Ikin Civil for $678,408.70 (excluding GST).

“The existing Kuranda Cemetery is close to reaching capacity and Council has purchased an adjacent property on Kuranda Heights Road for the expansion of the cemetery,” explained Mayor Angela Toppin.

Stage One of the new Kuranda Cemetery will have space for 100 monumental memorials and 250 lawn-level memorials which should secure enough space to meet the needs for the community for the next 25 years.

“The tendered scope of works includes earthworks, roadworks, stormwater drainage, water supply and carparking, as well as landscaping, a toilet block and concrete works,” Mayor Toppin said.

“Council is looking forward to this important project going ahead to ensure the long-term needs of the Kuranda community are met,” Mayor Toppin concluded.


At the Ordinary Meeting of Mareeba Shire Council on Wednesday, 21 June 2023, it was reported that Council has approved a successful application for the Community Grant Round of the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) 2023.

“RADF is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Mareeba Shire Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland,” Mayor Toppin explains.

“We are delighted to announce the $3,000 RADF grant will contribute to the creation of a colourful public mosaic by Mt Molloy artists Caroline Leiber and Varsha Lieber Brisbin.”

“The mosaic will to be installed on the front veranda of the Mt Molloy QCWA building and community members will be involved with the installation and grouting process,” Mayor Toppin said.

Caroline Leiber, who also worked on the mosaic on the staircase of the QCWA building, is delighted to receive funding for this project.

“The new artwork will compliment and expand upon the existing mosaics in the main street of our beautiful town.  There are several other mosaics installed in public spaces in Mt Molloy and this project will build on the character that this artform has brought to our town,” explains Caroline.

“Council appreciates the partnership with Arts Queensland as it allows investment in locally determined arts and cultural priorities. I look forward to seeing the finished Mount Molloy mosaic in 2024,” concluded Mayor Toppin.


Each financial year Council’s financial statements are audited by the Queensland Audit Office (QAO), or their delegated auditors, and Mareeba Shire Council was recently subject to an interim audit, for the period 1 July 2022 to 31 March 2023.

No issues were identified during the audit and the Interim Audit Report issued by the QAO is available to view on Council’s website.

Mayor Angela Toppin said, “The Councillors are very pleased with the results of the interim report.”

“This interim report is evidence that Council’s financial policies and practices are working, which is important during these uncertain times.”

“Mareeba Shire Council will continue to look for savings and opportunities while managing council’s assets and reserves to ensure a sustainable future in a cost-effective manner,” Mayor Toppin concluded.


At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday, 21 June 2023, Council approved an allocation in the 2023/24 Capital Works Program for a project to review and design Mareeba CBD Pedestrian Accessibility and Stormwater Drainage Improvements.

Mayor Angela Toppin explains, “The review and design of the Mareeba CBD Pedestrian Accessibility and Stormwater Drainage Improvements will provide Council will a clear understanding of the funding required for the improvements.”

“It was also resolved at today’s meeting that the toilet block planned for the Post Office Car Park will be moved to Mason Street as part of the Bicentennial Lakes Southern Precinct Revitalisation.”

“The CWA Women’s Rest Rooms in Byrnes Street will continue to operate until a suitable lessee for the property is found. Depending on the outcome, it may affect whether Council is able to continue to operate a public toilet facility on all or part of that site in the longer term, or if an alternate location needs to be sought,” Mayor Toppin concluded.


Mareeba Shire Council is making significant progress towards the completion of capital projects throughout the Shire.

“Council’s Capital Works program is focussed on renewal and upgrade of Council infrastructure to achieve Council’s corporate vision of a growing, confident, and sustainable Shire. The program is funded through a combination of Council’s own funding and external grants and subsidies,” Mayor Angela Toppin said.

One project to construct a Splash Park in Mareeba has been completed earlier this month.

Mayor Angela Toppin said, “The project was funded by the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning to provide the Splash Park and upgrades to existing infrastructure at the Mareeba Aquatic Centre to the value of $1.5M.

“The remaining construction funding was contributed by Mareeba Shire Council, who will also be responsible for the ongoing maintenance and operating costs.”

“This zero depth Splash Park has a variety of unique water spray areas with interactive play elements like frogs, turtles, waterbugs, sailboats, palm trees, a boat wheel, spray loop and tip buckets.”

“Upgrades to the existing infrastructure includes new shade sails, pathways, bench seating, picnic tables and fencing, and the heating of the Mareeba Memorial Swimming Pools.”

“The Queensland Government provided $150,000 to Council to install a heating system to enable Queenslanders to participate in sport and recreation activities. The remaining funds will be contributed by Mareeba Shire Council.”

“This project has been completed prior to the July school holidays and it is wonderful to know that the Mareeba pool will now be heated year-round. I would like to invite residents and visitors to the grand opening taking place this Saturday, 24 June 2024. Visit Council’s website for more information.”

Another project to upgrade Anzac Park Mareeba is progressing well. Mayor Angela Toppin said, “This project is part of Council’s Parks and Open Spaces strategy and action plan and will incorporate up-lighting to highlight some of the features including the trees and cannons, and the removal of the fountain and footpath renewal.”

“The redundant infrastructure has been demolished and removed, coloured tree lighting has been tested, and the electrical and irrigation trenches have been completed.”

“Furthermore, one of the major projects under Council’s water strategy is the works associated with the construction of a sewer main gravity upgrade, inclusive of a water main relocation to enable works, to service the township of Mareeba.”

“Works commenced mid-May and are progressing well with the contractor installing 30 to 40 metres of pipe per day along Strattman Street,” Mayor Toppin concluded.