Chillagoe Airstrip Upgrade
Mareeba Shire Council has received a grant from the Commonwealth Government of $160,000 for various works at the Chillagoe Airport.
“The grant represents 50% of the total project value. The grant is for resealing works, drainage works and an upgrade to the directional beacon at the Chillagoe airport,” Mayor Tom Gilmore said.
“In order to obtain quotes for the resealing works it has been necessary to prepare a seal design. This process has commenced and in inspection of the runway has recently been undertaken,” Cr Gilmore said.
It is proposed to seek reseal quotations during March and proceed with the works towards the end of April.
Mareeba Sewerage Treatment Plant
Mareeba Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) Refurbishment Design and Construct Tender has been awarded to Downer Utilities.
“Design work has commenced on the plant and the contractor has provided an updated program with indicates mobilisation to site in May 2016, with pre-commissioning checks to commence in December 2016,” Mayor Tom Gilmore said.
“During the March and April there will be various meetings and workshops held with the contractor, which will allow preliminary on site works to commence for the plant itself he said. “We still on track to see the project completed next year.”
Work has commenced on the construction of the new pressure main which have started at the treatment plant end.