After concerns raised by the Mareeba Mountain Goats Club, Council endorsed the installation of guidance signage targeting “squeeze point” locations across the road networks identified, to improve driver awareness and reduce the risks for all users. Sixteen ‘watch for bicycles’ guidance signs will be installed across a series of popular bicycling routes within the Mareeba Shire including:
• Chewko Road
• Ray Road
• Tinaroo Creek Road
• Fichera Road
• Henry Hannam Drive and
• Chettle Road
The Mareeba Shire Council continued to carry out routine maintenance of parks and gardens, as well as infrastructure works over the past month.
The upgrading of the existing intersection of Cater Road and McIver Road to allow bus turning movements is on track. The project scope includes widening Cater Road, providing a bus parking area, asphalt and bitumen surfacing, kerb and channel and concrete footpath works.
Mareeba Shire Council Mayor, Tom Gilmore said “the sealing works were completed at the end of April and construction is estimated to be completed by the end of this month.”
“These works will make a huge difference to ease traffic congestion during school pick-up and drop-off times at St Stephen’s Catholic College.”
Causeway upgrading works commenced last month at McIver Road, Mareeba. The existing causeway will be replaced, raised and widened to 9.6m.
Following the causeway upgrade 320m of the existing pavement will be widened and sealed to a width of 9.2m. The causeway works are estimated to be completed by the end of May.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said “the works being carried out are first class and will really make a difference for all road users.”
Mareeba Shire Council is pleased to announce that design work has commenced on the upgrade to the Mareeba Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade and land clearing at the site will begin next week with pre-commissioning checks to commence in December 2016.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said he is “absolutely delighted with the progress which has been made in the last two years.”
The multi-million dollar project involves the construction of a refurbished activated sludge treatment plant to new licence standards, the upgrading of the pressure main delivering raw sewage to the plant and a new inlet works.
“The refurbished plant is being designed for a connected population of 12,500 which on current growth trends will sustain sewage treatment services through to 2035,” Mayor Gilmore said.
From July 1 2016, Council will conduct its Ordinary Meetings once a month on the third Wednesday of each month commencing at 9.00am, at the Council Chambers, Rankin Street Mareeba, unless otherwise determined by Council.
The motion was carried after it was identified that the meeting agenda for the first meeting of each month tends to be relatively small with the majority of the reports, including the Departmental Monthly reports being tabled at the second meeting of the month.
Mayor Tom Gilmore supported the decision saying “monthly meetings will reduce Council costs in terms of resources required to conduct the meetings, and will also provide Councillors with the opportunity to spend the additional time liaising directly with the community.”
A list of items for the agenda is to be made available to the public on Council’s website at the time the agenda is made available to the Councillors. Changes to the dates and times of the Ordinary meetings and meetings of Standing Committees should also be published in the local newspaper and on Council’s website and by notice in the Council’s public office.