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Items of Interest Council Meeting – 1 June 2016

By June 13, 2016November 3rd, 2017No Comments

RECONCILIATION WEEK – National Reconciliation Week – 27 May to 3 June 2016
Mareeba Shire Council hosted a morning tea on Wednesday to celebrate National Reconciliation Week with members from the Mareeba Mulungu Aboriginal Corporation and community elders.

Each year National Reconciliation Week celebrates and builds on the respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians.

Chief Executive Officer of Mareeba Mulungu Aboriginal Corporation, Gail Wason thanked Council for acknowledging the significance of Reconciliation. “I think that together if we heal past journeys, we can acknowledge that we are all moving forward together,” she said.

This year is particularly momentous, with Reconciliation Australia celebrating a number of anniversaries including 25 years of formal reconciliation in Australia with the establishment of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation in 1991. It is also 15 years since Reconciliation Australia was formed and ten years of success in its Reconciliation Action Plan program.

BUDGET 2016/2017
Mareeba Shire Council Mayor Tom Gilmore is confident that the fourth budget delivered by Mareeba Shire Council since de-amalgamation will provide a high level of service and delivery for the Shire.

Council endorsed a suite of fees and charges ahead of the June 15 deadline. The underlying principle used in establishing the 2016/2017 fees has been on a cost recovery basis, however, in the majority of cases this is simply a CPI increase.

Current Library fees and charges were reviewed and benchmarked against libraries which are of a similar size and geographically close to Mareeba.

Mayor Tom Gilmore said, “all fees and charges were based on a review of the actual cost to Council of delivering the service for 2016/2017. Consequently, some library fees were increased to reflect increased actual costs for the next financial year.”

Building and Plumbing fees and charges for the next financial year have been consolidated and simplified.

Charges for the hire of Council’s Halls for the 2016/2017 financial year will remain unchanged, which will ensure the community is utilising the facilities.

This week, Council endorsed the Operational Plan for 2016/2017 ahead of the new financial year. The Council’s Operational Plan is a statement of specific works to be undertaken and services to be provided to progress the goals and objectives set out in the Corporate Plan.
• progress phases two and three of the sale of land within the Chillagoe Industrial Estate
• Investigate options for new Mareeba Library premises
• Mareeba Airport Development
• Therwine Street redevelopment, Kuranda
• Mareeba Wastewater Treatment Plant refurbishment