Audit Report Shows Confidence in Council
In yesterday’s Council meeting, Mayor Tom Gilmore congratulated Council staff on their commendable efforts in managing Council’s finances and assets after having received an unqualified report from the Queensland Auditor General.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said the fact that the auditors made no comment on the report indicates that Mareeba Shire Council is operating effectively and efficiently.
“This is the second year in a row we have received a clear audit without comment and it is very pleasing indeed,” Cr Gilmore said.
Furthermore the Queensland Audit Office presented a report into the long-term sustainability of the State’s Councils to Parliament.
The report indicates that Mareeba Shire Council is performing favourably among other Councils with an average operating surplus ratio of 8.33 per cent, which is up there with the best in the State.
Cr Gilmore said this report confirms that Council’s future remains secure and sustainable in the long-term.
“This has been Council’s focus over the past two and a half years and this report gives us the confidence that our efforts so far have been well directed and that our future plans for long-term sustainability are well placed,” Cr Gilmore said.
Oakey Creek Bridge Upgrade
Mareeba Shire Council has received funding through the Australian Government Bridges Renewal Programme contributing to the upgrade of the Oakey Creek timber bridge on Springmount Road.
Council awarded the tender to Kenmac Constructions Pty Ltd for the refurbishment and concrete upgrade of Oakey Creek Bridge at a cost of $354,167.
Due to the nature of the works and the significance of the bridge in the regional road transport network, construction will commence following the completion the sugar cane harvesting season in December.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said the local community, emergency services and transport agencies will be advised of the bridge upgrade and subsequent road closures required for the duration of construction.
Library Plans for Future
The Mareeba Shire Council Library Service Strategic Plan 2016-20 was presented to Council for consideration and adoption at yesterday’s meeting.
Councillors moved the Strategic Plan which demonstrates the management and operational practices which strive to be consistent with the Queensland Public Library Standards and Guidelines.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said, “The Library Services’ Strategic Plan will be used as a foundational document to guide collection management, policy, procedure and library practise in accordance with the directives outlined in Council’s Corporate Plan.”
The six goals outlined in the document focus on digital engagement strategies, access to grant funding and utilising online resources for education and training.
Welcome News for Water Users
Water users across the Shire will soon be able to take advantage of unutilised water allocations after Council today moved to allow the temporary transfer of Council’s unused water provisions.
Council agreed to commence a tender process for the temporary transfer of the seven lots of 100 megalitres medium priority water allocations for an initial maximum period of 12 months.
Mayor Tom Gilmore said over the past two years, Council has received interest from Water Brokers and industry groups such as the Tableland Cane Growers Association and Mareeba and District Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association wishing to make use of Council’s unutilised water allocations.
“The tender process would allow Council to recoup costs for the unused water allocation whilst still retaining ownership of the water allocation.”
These arrangements will provide allocation transfers for periods of between three months and one year.