Mareeba Shire Council received a $3.8M cash boost from the Queensland Government under the State’s 2016-17 Works for Queensland program.
The Works for Queensland program supports regional Councils to undertake job-creating maintenance and minor infrastructure projects.
Mayor Tom Gilmore welcomed the funding announcement saying residents in the Shire will benefit significantly from the extensive list of planned projects.
“These projects would not have been possible to achieve without the Government’s generous support,” Cr Gilmore said.
“Regional Councils such as ours are heavily dependent on grants and subsidies to bolster our capacity to provide a high level of service across all areas of the Shire.
“The recognition by the Queensland Government is deeply appreciated, and we are moving very quickly indeed to add these projects into our works program, so we maximise the benefit in job creation and create convenience to the community.”
The projects listed below will be completed by 30 November 2017.
Cultural and Recreational
- Leagues Club air-conditioning replacement
- Mareeba Library air-conditioning replacement
- Mareeba Swimming Pool change rooms refurbishment and extension to administration area including a first aid room
- Basalt Gully walking track
- Dimbulah Columbarium wall
- Kuranda Amphitheatre access upgrade
- Julatten Abattoir Swamp improvement
- Sewer Upgrade Hastie Road
Roads and Bridges
- Jeffrey Road bridge renewal
- Mt Lewis Road / Nissan Creek Road bridge renewal
- Mona Mona Road / Flaggy Creek bridge renewal
- Chewko Road / Atherton Creek bridge renewal
- Gilmore Road widening
- West Sabin Road intersection, widen and seal
- Margherita Close kerb to kerb seal
- Walsh Street Dimbulah re-sheet
- Down Street kerb to kerb seal
- Lawson Street kerb to kerb seal
- Bailey Street / Martin Av intersection widening
- Egan Street kerb to kerb seal