“A Safe and Sensible Budget”
Mareeba Shire Council adopted its 2017-18 Budget at a special Council meeting on 21 June 2017.
In bringing down the 2017-18 Budget today, Mareeba Shire Council Mayor Tom Gilmore said the budget’s primary focus was to continue building a solid foundation for the future growth and prosperity of the Shire.
“This budget, based on a provision of the basics such as roads, water and other essential services, is balanced and with fully funded depreciation,” Cr Gilmore said.
“It contains no surprises or outlandish spending, and continues to build on the foundations of past budgets.”
The budget includes $14.6 million for capital works and $42.7 million to cover the day to day operation and all maintenance work.
“To ensure that other Council-owned assets, water, sewerage and community facilities are properly maintained to ensure their service to the community for years to come; we have set aside a capital and maintenance budget of $10.8 million,” Cr Gilmore said.
Also, Council has included $11 million for transport infrastructure and maintenance including $2.7 million for rural roads upgrades, $1.3 million reseal program and $2.6 million for bridge upgrade and maintenance works.
Funds have been set aside towards the beautification of towns and villages across the Shire. “Our aim is to ensure that in future years our Shire will be renowned for its colour and shade and is not only a welcoming place for visitors but a pleasing place for those who choose to live here,” Cr Gilmore said.
As part of that vision, $200,000 will be spent on the beautification project while $171,350 has been set aside to transform the Bicentennial Lakes in Mareeba into a centrepiece of the town.
This budget sees the general residential rate will be increased by an average of 2.5%, which is in line with the cost increases Council has faced over the last year. Ratepayers will notice some considerable variance from the 2.5% increase due to the recent revaluation of properties across the shire.
“This increase will provide Council with the resources to continue to build on past achievements and to maintain a high level of service to the community,” Cr Gilmore said.
Mayor Tom Gilmore stated that Council had reached a point of sustainability and certainty and Council will continue to focus on the planning for the long term while providing essential everyday services.
“This budget delivers stability for the present and the vision for the long-term. It will ensure that we deliver the needs of the community in a responsible way, whilst building for a prosperous future,” Cr Gilmore said.
“Through careful planning in previous budgets, the next twelve months will see the culmination of many major projects; not the least of which are the Mareeba Airport upgrade, the Mareeba waste water treatment plant which is due to open this year, the Mareeba Industrial Park and the Kuranda water security project.”
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