Make a Return at a Bag Drop in Kuranda, Mareeba or Dimbulah!

Mareeba Shire Council has teamed up with Mareeba Recycling and Containers for Change to deliver Bag Drops

  • Recycling station at the end of Arara Street, Kuranda
  • End of the carpark at the Mareeba Heritage Museum and Information Centre, Mareeba
  • Carpark opposite Junction Hotel, Raleigh Street, Dimbulah

Bag it: Place your containers in sturdy bags or boxes to ensure the containers stay together. 

Tag it: Write your member number and name on any label and tag the bag.

Drop it: Leave your containers at the bag drop.

Designed for convenience, bag drops take slightly longer for you to receive your refund than at a depot. This is because bag drop sites are only serviced a few times a week – depending on the location. The containers are collected, transported and counted before the refund can be transferred to your account.

Proceeds for any containers that fall out of the bags and cannot be assigned for the Kuranda container will go to the Kuranda Men’s Shed.

Click here to visit the Containers for Change website for further information on how the process works.

Click here to sign up to receive a member number.

How to return using a bag drop

The circular economy